sea of naples yellow by anico mostert, 2023, oil and acrylic on canvas, 80 × 60 centimeters
tickle by tickle by jessie makinson, 2023, oil on canvas, 90 × 70 × 4 centimeters - (censored for tumblr guidelines)
the crucible by daniel heidkamp, 2020, oil on linen, 36 × 48 inches
margarita’s storm by maria kreyn, unknown date, oil on panel, 60 x 48 inches
can you hear that dreadful sound? by nettle grellier, 2022, oil on canvas, 100 × 110 centimeters
i found my spirit in the landscape by fuchsia, 2023, watercolour & acrylic on watercolour paper, 24 × 18 cm
can't rain all the time by melody tuttle, 2023, oil on canvas, 48 × 36 inches
egocentric with company by joana galego, 2023, acrylic + oil paint + graphite on canvas, 182 × 127 centimeters
a beach scene by benjamin senior, 2018, egg tempera on cotton on plywood, 50 × 40 centimeters (censored for tumblr guidelines)
the moment by kila cheung, 2022, acrylic & pastel on canvas, 200 × 115.2 centimeters
dessert by joana galego, 2021, watercolour on paper, 29 × 22 centimeters
you and me by antonia showering, 2021, oil on linen, 160 × 130 centimeters
how to trust in open waters by johanna seidel, 2023, oil on canvas, 165 × 125 centimeters
it's ok by kevin sloan, 2021, acrylic on canvas, 20 × 24 inches
delonix regia by bony ramirez, 2021, acrylic + color pencil + soft oil pastel + oil bar + cork paper + pastel paper, bristol paper on wood panel, 72 × 96 inches
ladies' bathing pond ii by alice macdonald, 2017, monoprint with drypoint etching, 70 × 50 centimeters