Okay, so... stick with me here for a minute.
I just finished rewatching Colin’s solo panel from Burbank in order to make some GIFs from it, so keep an eye out for those, but there’s some things I have a burning need to mention right now.
First... I know I already made the joke about Colin wanting to wear his pirate’s costume in order to troll us even harder than he already was by wearing something totally unexpected. And that was (kinda) a joke, of course, but after hearing his comment again... I’m wondering.
He said, and I quote, “I have my full leather pirate's costume. I almost wore it here, but I had to catch a flight that was leaving soon so I couldn't check a bag.” This is not a man who thought this would be a great idea and had long-standing plans to do it. This is a man who was literally running out the door to catch his flight and still making last minute decisions on what to wear. Now, normally you’d think someone in that position would just toss on, oh I dunno, some blue jeans and his favorite brown suede boots and maybe a burgundy heather t-shirt we’ve seen him wear a dozen times already - BUT NO. This man is thinking about wearing a full leather pirate costume and ended up wearing a mix of totally unexpected things that accidentally came entirely from Rogers’ wardrobe, because the man simply does not own any clothes of his own that we haven’t seen before.
I was kinda kidding before, guys. I’m not kidding anymore. I SEE YOU, COLIN O’DONOGHUE. I see you trolling us.
...either that, or it was laundry day and all five of this man’s outfits (as if he has any more than that, let’s be real here) were in the wash. YOU’RE NOT FOOLING ANYBODY, O’DONOGHUE. We see you.
We also see... YOUR SOCKS.
Guys, these aren’t solid socks. These are FUN socks and if no one asked him about his fun socks, how will we ever know what they were?!?!
I am sad now :( I have a bonafide sad, because those socks are having fun without me and that is NOT okay T_T
Also, I keep typoing “butbank” and this is making me laugh almost as hard as when I typo the NJ convention tag as “ouatbj”. Buttbank and BJ, guys. Great conventions, if you can get to ‘em.