#clem vetter – @ketchuplaser on Tumblr


@ketchuplaser /

Orbital Condiment Strike If there's porn on your page, you getting a block Check out the '#ketchup laser' for my original content, '#kl brews' for my adventures in mead, '#kl draws' for my art, '#kl bakes' for my baking and '#kl cooks' for recipes, etc.

Draw a gardener in an atypical setting



"Yeah, they're one of our best sellers. A couple of the crews of the 'verse plan their routes around our harvest."

"Where do you get the soil from?"

"It started with some of the soil that was left my the missionaries who created this place."

"Started? It wasn't enough?"

"No, that would've depleted the nutrients super fast. You know how we take the waste tanks from the ships that stop over?"

"Yeah, and we use that in the bioreactors, right?"

"You got it! Once, it's processed for the methane and cleaned, it comes to the greenhouse."

"Where we fertilize with it."

"Shiny, you got it! Not bad for a lead jockey. Turns from waste to green gold."

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