If Americans limp on being apathetic then it will be a sad sign for the future. It is possible that the elites will give the public just enough to prevent a wide scale revolution.
It would not surprise me if that's exactly what led to Bernie failing to emphasize that the pandemic was exactly justification for a lot of his causes and disgracefully dropping out on April 8.
The abused spouse analogy has been used more in line with voters' continued reliance on backing the least objectionable candidate every election.
However, it does look as though many Americans are so used to disappointment and never having nice things. There has been no real effort to organize an India like general strike and Yellow Vests like movements have been few and far between.
If Americans continue fighting with each other, the ruling class would be really happy.
The zero sum mentality and individualism of these factions definitely contribute to the lack of unity when it comes to fighting the people who responsible for keeping us divided.