Furthermore, we need to stop being co-opted by the graveyard of movements
I first saw this on Facebook at the end of 2018 and was overly pessimistic about a repeat of the Yellow Vests happening here.
Over four years later, everything still applies. The French continue shutting shit down, Americans have gone back to being mostly apathetic over 2 1/2 years after George Floyd's death, more states have implemented anti-protest laws, and various interest groups continue to sponsor policies that harm the working class.
One audience member, unimpressed, rose and said both parties serve the rich. Why not a new workers’ party, she asked? The question was also repeated by audience members at other workshops throughout the weekend.
The three panelists, clearly embarrassed by the question, hemmed and hawed. Nelson then took the mic. We can’t divide ourselves with politics, she said, because that only serves the “owner class.”
Very disappointing to read that about Nelson since she seemed to be a person who was genuine about radicalizing some folks.
The rank and file know that a workers party is needed.
So, as it turns out, the liberal political establishment has already beaten proven bigots on the right to the punch in reverting back to a pre-George Floyd mindset.
Because black misleaders were unable to lure most black youth into the Democratic Party vortex, the party’s establishment decided to go hard against the radicalized youth.
As to who will be this era’s Joe Biden, who knows?
In this edition of shitlibs gonna shitlib, I give you Malcolm Nance. He was ironically responding to another shitlib who spat an uncomfortable truth about how gun control used to be flipped ideologically. Given that Nance is ex-CIA, his attempts to steer people out of the streets and back into the voting booth makes sense. Also, any calls to radical action are anathema to his spook affiliations.
As others on Twitter have pointed out, everyone associated for Friday’s mess is/was a Democrat--the judge who rigged the trial for Shittenhouse, the DA, Kenosha’s mayor, the current Wisconsin governor, the governor who appointed the judge back in the 80s. The only (likely) Republican in the bunch is the guy who just got off the hook.
Nance talked about how 34 percent of Dems stayed home three weeks ago. Well, that’s what happens when that party continuously fails to give what the people want.
Who could forget the "get your booty to the polls" videos that popped up?
On one hand, it was effective to the point where it's now illegal to pass out food or water at Georgia polling places. On the other hand, the videos represented the further dumbing down of America.
When does Black America realize that "having a seat at the table" is doing more harm than good?
Enough people bought into the corporate hype that Madison Avenue finally gave a shit about us when they were in total CYA mode last summer. I recently watched a video that pointed out that Fox was bringing back COPS, moving the show to its Fox Nation online channel. Things went from the specter of revolution to black capitalism real quickly.
The truth is, the Black Misleadership Class lost its leverage the very moment it fell in line by backing Biden after James Clyburn revived the ex-veep's ailing campaign.
The BMC has been less than useless ever since. As for the black media, it might as well be MIA because at least when Tavis Smiley and Cornel West spoke out against Obama's neoliberalism, it served as the 44th POTUS's pitbull. The black press isn't even doing that anytime black people point out Biden's fuck ups.
If we didn't have such a shitty voting system, there is no way in hell that Biden would have even sniffed the White House nor would Trump even have had a chance to be reelected for botching the pandemic!
What is boils down to is that the black bourgeoisie made sure to marginalize the street activists in order to please their masters representing the Dem establishment. All I know is that the CBC went from kente cloth to "defund the police cost Democrats seats" faster than they could say "yes massa."
The disintegration of black political power was decades in the making and making sure "representation matters" has turned a lot of misleaders into tokens.
Don’t forget that the anti-protest bills first popped up at the state level in 2017 in response to...Standing Rock, not Black Lives Matter.
Let’s face it, this isn’t set up for targeting white supremacists, it’s set up to snuff out the left and minorities.
if this pandemic doesn't radicalize you, nothing will
It's disturbing to see so many people either apathetic or going the other way
The tweeter is Canadian with a French boyfriend and they understand what needs to happen in response to the pandemic-induced depression
For me, it was gradual. I naively thought that “working within the system” during Obama’s first two years was the way to go. During the Occupy protests, I worried about OWS being coopted by George Soros and anarchists, which was something I shouldn’t have at all, but this was at a time that I still thought Alex Jones was credible (his stance on blacks being murdered by killer cops and reversal on overbearing police took care of that by the time he became a top Trump bootlicker).
In response to the anemic post-Great Recession recovery, I eventually settled on Bernie in ‘16 after Larry Lessig turned out to be a one-trick pony and James Webb decided to embrace a socially conservative/economically liberal type of populism and blame Democrats for supposedly “moving to far to the left.” (Plus, Webb’s all lives matter stance turned me off and his eventual decision to run as an independent who was on the ballot in a limited number of states further wrote him off as a legitimate candidate).
Even though I had evolved from radical centrist to left populist by 2018, there was still one hurdle for me to overcome: The Yellow Vest protests. I initially sided with my burlesque pal who teaches English in France over my anarchist musician friend as they argued over what the black bloc anarchists were doing by smashing windows of fancy shops. Once I found out that the Yellow Vests were actually decades of unfulfilled promises by the French government, I reversed my stance.
When workers went on strike on May 1, I was glad. It was like finally, there’s the alternative to neofascism that the public’s been looking for. This was key since it was almost a month after Bernie dropped out of the presidential race for the second time and the media had been hyping up the astroturfed “Reopen America” demonstrations.