Stopped procrastinating and based my boys.
Is "procrastibasing" a word?
Stopped procrastinating and based my boys.
Is "procrastibasing" a word?
They need basing, and they're rough, but I'm still plugging away at this star of mechs.
Finally got some paint down on my Russian Highlander, a dark blue 1st Tyr scheme.
Painted a lil Black Lanner
Finished basing and painting the star of Wolves I've been working on during my sick leave.
Doc has me on sick leave for a few days, so I'm distracting myself by painting some more Wolves.
A crusty white Victor.
This guy put in work during today's Alpha Strike game.
Battletech's poster child, a Timber Wolf, painted up and ready for basing.
Managed to bust out my Wolves in a game of Battletech: Alpha Strike today. I learned:
I finished up my Clan Wolf star today, ready to go for games night this week.
@agbpaints Don't worry, the Viper is getting done shortly :)
To ally any concerns about neglect of small mechs :)
I might have some bones to pick with the Wolves but that's a hot paint scheme on a hot mech
Because I'm stupidly proud of this thing, here's a Hellbringer (Loki).
Slowly improving my cockpit glass game. It's not nearly as good as I want it to be, but it's a start?
Painted a happy little atrocity dispenser unit, a Kurita Catapult K2.
Very nice. Is the blue caution stripe free hand?
Finally settled on a base for my campaign dudes.
The irony of painting real rocks from my driveway to look like real rocks on my bases is not lost on me.