#answer – @kaprikume on Tumblr

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@kaprikume /

I'm Ali, I'm from Spain and I love shipping, reading and drawing. Talk tetris to me.

Your art gives me life, ok? I can't stop saying it, I don't know if it's weird by now lol but... aaaaw the last comic you posted again? Fuuu I just love your style! Your characs are so beautiful and you do so great and the tiny stories are perfect! I hope you have a great time drawing because I assure you I have a great time looking at it! And now I'll scout this blog and find your OCs/other works because they must be as lovely! You're a great artist *_* and thank you for contributing to Sarumi!


DAMMIT ROBIN STOP, IF YOU KEEP BRIGHTENING UP MY DAY LIKE THIS I’LL CRY i wasn’t expecting this at all i luv u 💘 I really like drawing but as I told you once I’m really insecure about my style and stuff so this makes me so happy I can’t even explain, THANK YOU ;; 💖💖💖💖 I’m so glad I joined this fandom i swear you deserve a super cat high five


Yuna es mi crush vale es una cosita tan cuca que es que me la como a besos ocho veces y dos más de regalo ;; Yo con Akari me medio siento identificado así que sí que me gusta (?) Y Rio también jope es un amor espero que acabe con Yuna al final. Por cierto, ¿Te estás leyendo Tsubaki-chou? Que el chaval se llama Imamura y estoy teniendo miedo.


A mí Akari aún no me termina de gustar del todito, me cae bien y eso peeeeero no sé (?). Con Respecto a Tsubaki-chou… la verdad es que no. Mira que me encanta el estilo de la autora pero desde Hirunaka estoy dolida y me niego a que me vuelva a hacer lo mismo. Además de que vi al Imamura este que es idéntico a Mamura y fue un lol chao XD. Quizás me lo acabe leyendo si un día me aburro pero lo cogeré con pinzitas (?).


AYER ME ACORDÉ MUCHO DE TI PORQUE ME DIO POR LEERME HNR AGAIN (aunque no llegué hasta el final) Y LLORÉ BCZ SHISHIO y eso guapa (?)



Yo no puedo releerlo aún, me duele demasiado en el kokoro. Ni siquiera parando e ignorando la mitad final. Además de que me pongo tope sentimental viendo a la antigua Suzume, tan chula que era ella y en lo que se ha convertido (?) sorry no me gusta su desarrollo como chara.

-abraza y le da vueltas-


Sonneee, ¿el tag para tus dibujos no era "drawings" sin el "my"?


Ostras es verdad. LOL. Llevo un tiempecito sin subir nada y se me olvida XDD. Gracias por avisarme jermoza mía ;v; -le da una chuche nocturna- (qué son estas horas, eh, qué son estas horas).


Sobre lo de lo que pienso de usted al ver su blog, es que está obsesionada con el rh y que debería relajar su odio sobre... personajes ficticios y de la gente en Internet porque... son gente que sólo está detrás de una pantalla y ya, que se vayan al diablo(?)


Me tienes mega calada (?).

Sobre el rage... no puedo evitarlo XD cuando me entra mucha rabia al ver algo que me parece injusto o casi un insulto a mis personajes preferidos tengo que descargarme en algún sitio para que quede en la posteridad, aquí he dejado de hacerlo pero Twitter... Twitter es un infierno del rage alicieño (?).

-tira besitos-

Anonymous asked:

Hey this is going to sound a little random but i stumbled upon one of your rinharu comics in my dash and i thought to myself "I know this style. Its better than before but i remember it." And then I realized that holy shit i remembered it from years ago when i lurked deviantart you did hetalia fanart there! Just wanted you to know that your style has improved a LOT without losing the spark or your unique touch. You, miss, you are amazing. Keep up the good work!!!

Wow, thank you very much! It’s been five years since I started making comics and posting them on internet and my style changed A LOT, but I’m really glad it’s still recognizable somehow :DD

thanks anon, you made my day! I’ll try my best to keep improving!

Anonymous asked:

Your last anon wtf?? It's your own blog and i don't thing you have ever say anything hurtful because you're so nice?? I don't understand like ???

ACTUALLY I’m really bitchy when I’m angry, I know, they know, everyone knows (?) (and I’m even worse in spanish and twitter, lord save me haha). But I wasn’t even angry this time. Anyway this anon was having a nice moment and I guess I ruined it a lil for them, I’m sorry for that -sweats-. 

Anonymous asked:

I sorry to stop in like this, especially as it's your own life and stuff but i was going through my dash and had just found a really cute post that gave me a ton of happy feels and then the next thing i saw was some reblogs of yours making fun of people's reactions to the mook and it completely killed all that happy mood. I get it's your own blog and stuff, but I just needed to tell you that as a multi shipper that follows you for your cute art that really hurt. what if that was you in my shoes?

Oh, wow, I’m really sorry I made you feel like that, it wasn’t my intention. But please, understand I use the tags in tumblr to put my inner thoughts and I’ve endured so many things (hypocrisy, hate and complains without fundament about things I love) that I can’t help but laughing at them now. It’s like, you know, the only thing I have left to feel better because I don’t want to be hateful towards them.

I’ll try to tag these kind of posts ‘sonne complains’ or something so you can put it in the black list, if it makes you feel bad anyway you can always unfollow me, no hard feelings :)

Anonymous asked:

I think is Makoto who was dreaming bc it was his pov and also the second name's character from the mooks (in this case yep, makoto) is the one who has the dream

Holy Molly, it’s just... I was expecting full mh hardcore fanservice and then this happens... I’m laughing so hard XD.

Makoto, what is going on in your subconscious mind to dream about Rin saying that to Haru???


hola sonecita owo !! que tal tó? *aplastada de tantos deberes* asd he leído por ahí que el mook makoharu sale mañana y omg rezo a todos los dioses para que Haru sea cocinero y reserven a haru sireno para el mook con Rin 8'''D


Hola querida mía ovo/ -le quita un poco los deberes de encima because buena persona-. OOOh, eso es información suculenta e interesante, yo como no ando mucho por los lares mh no me entero de NÁ -lol-, así que estupendo. OJALÁ SE RESERVEN AL HARU SIRENO PARA EL MOOK RH, aunque también me gustaba la idea de cocinero+sireno, en plan multitask (?).

MANTENME AL DÍA BBY. No tengo contactos que me chiven cosas de ese lado del fandom (?).

Y suerte con los deberes ;v; ¡cada vez queda menos para las vacas! -ababacha-

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