Callback to the time I was playing a cat simulator on my Kindle and named all my cats after characters from the Silmarillion
Guys please come and appreciate the pun my dad texted me just as I was getting to work yesterday
My dad is a super extrovert. Not two minutes ago he was talking to three people at once
My morning so far has been the following:
1. I saw three crows out in my front yard and instantly went "KAZ!!!" inside my head. So therefore I went to take a picture of them, as you do. Unfortunately, as I was getting outside, they flew away, so I reacted in the obvious way-- quoting Brooklyn Nine Nine. (*dramatic voice* "Detective Santiago!! Don't walk away from me!!")
As I was coming in my mom was all "what are you doing??"
And I went "talking to birds in the front yard"
And my brother was all "that is the most you thing I've heard all day". Which is true
2. My brother (the same one as previously mentioned) said that dragons are the only animals bigger than a moose in nature
And then my mom was all "what about whales?"
He (being a teenage boy) was like "have you ever seen one?"
My twin sister pointed out that our mom had seen some in California once, and my mom said, "only some spouts from far away"
My brother used this to suggest that maybe whales were actually only like one inch long. And this led to me, him and my twin sister quoting the one inch man scene in GOTG 2
So how have y'all been?