#anakin skywalker – @kanerallels on Tumblr

Rebels Georg

@kanerallels /

Christian, deep lover of Kanera and SWR but in a crap ton of other fandoms, fan fic writer when I'm not working on my book series. If you want to be on my tag list, send me an ask or a DM! If you're into an obscure book series, send me an ask, I might have read it!! (If I haven't, it'll end up on my TBR) Always happy to talk to new people!!! Recently published my first book, feel free to ask me about it! Absolutely NO NSFW YOU WILL BE BLOCKED
Force Ghost Anakin, telling Luke a story about the Clone Wars: So one day, an assassin led Obi-Wan, in binders, into the Black Sun’s fortress to claim his reward.
Luke: What?!?
Anakin: They gave the assassin bags and bags of credits as the ruling council ordered Obi-Wan down to the notorious Dungeon of Tortures
Luke: What kind of dirty, no-good scum would turn Ben in for money?!?
Anakin, grinning: I would

Sometimes the parasites in your brain make you draw something even if you suck at drawing people.

(I’m gonna be honest I did trace and color block pictures of them for this because my people drawing skills are sub par but I don’t see a problem with this as long as people are honest about it)

Lyrics from Sparrow by The Arcadian Wild

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