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Rebels Georg

@kanerallels /

Christian, deep lover of Kanera and SWR but in a crap ton of other fandoms, fan fic writer when I'm not working on my book series. If you want to be on my tag list, send me an ask or a DM! If you're into an obscure book series, send me an ask, I might have read it!! (If I haven't, it'll end up on my TBR) Always happy to talk to new people!!! Recently published my first book, feel free to ask me about it! Absolutely NO NSFW YOU WILL BE BLOCKED

Two days.

It had officially been two days since Kanan Jarrus and Hera Syndulla had gotten engaged, and roughly two hours later, married.

All things considered, Sabine thought that it was one of their greatest successes. They’d had two hours notice, and while a few things had been set up ahead of time, everything else had been set up in a flurry of activity. They’d all worked as a team, and it had come together beautifully. Sabine was pretty proud.

The next day, they’d left for their honeymoon on Rion, taking the Phantom and leaving behind dire threats about what would happen if the Ghost was blown up on their return. Sabine would pretend to be offended, but considering Ezra had literally blown up one of their ships once, it was an understandable threat.

So they’d sworn everything would be fine, that Kanan and Hera had nothing to worry about, and that they’d be responsible and safe without them.

Secretly, they’d all made a pact—Zeb and Sabine and Ezra and Jyn—that under no circumstances would they reach out to Kanan and Hera during their honeymoon. Any potential crises they would handle on their own. Kanan and Hera deserved a break free of worry and stress.


Fic ask game : That's it ! You're the inspiration I've been looking for my next masterpiece


Oh my stars this is such a fun one!

“That’s it! You’re the inspiration I’ve been looking for, my next masterpiece.” “Really?” Ezra said, his eyes widening with excitement. Zeb scoffed. “You know she’s talking to the TIE fighter, right?” Sabine ignored them both as she circled the TIE, studying it critically. “I can definitely do something with this,” she murmured, lost in thought. “This is going to be absolutely amazing.” “As long as Kanan and Hera don’t catch us,” Zeb muttered. “Can I watch you work?” Ezra asked hopefully, and Sabine glanced at him. For a moment, Ezra was sure she would say no, and his heart dropped. “Eh, why not?” she said, shrugging. “Just don’t get in my way. And I don’t take constructive criticism from people who wear solid orange.” “What’s wrong with orange?” Ezra protested as Zeb cackled with amusement. “Nothing, as long as it’s not the only color.” “Well, I happen to think I look great,” Ezra said, puffing out his chest and ignoring Zeb’s snickers. He didn’t really mind, especially if Sabine was going to let him watch her work.

"What are you getting at?" For the one sentence ask game, please!


Good one!

“What are you getting at?” Sabine folded her arms, frowning. “I want you to come work with us,” Hera told her. “You would get a free place to live, credits when we can afford it, and you’d be able to make a difference.” “And blow up bucket heads,” Zeb added, smirking. Sabine hesitated. The idea of joining this crew was…good. Better than she wanted to admit, especially after everything that happened with Ketsu. But that didn’t make it perfect. She glanced at the final member of the crew, who hadn’t spoken yet. “How do you feel about this?” Kanan shrugged, looking perfectly at ease. “If you want to stay, you should. Besides, Hera says she’s got a good feeling about you. And I trust Hera.” There was no way he was telling the truth. Not after she’d found out he was a Jedi and almost sold him out to the Empire for the credits only days earlier. This had to be a ploy, a trick of some kind. But she was almost desperate enough to believe it. “Okay,” she said. “I’ll stay.”

For the fic ask game: “How are we out of eggs AGAIN?”


"Surely you cannot make eggs angsty," you might say. And you would be somewhat wrong:

“How are we out of eggs AGAIN?” Zeb growled. Hera shrugged, not looking up from her datapad. “We have two teenagers on the ship, in case you hadn’t noticed. Ezra’s definitely going through another growth spurt.” Zeb snickered. “If he ends up taller than Sabine, she’s gonna lose it.” That brought out a brief smile from Hera, which was more than he’d hoped for. She’d been stressed lately, with the various parts of the Rebellion she was in charge of now, and worrying about both Kanan and Ezra.  After their return from Malachor, everything had been different. Ezra had been angrier and sadder, more likely to lash out. Kanan had just been…quiet. He wasn’t the same man Zeb had first met, and none of it was right. Frankly, Zeb would be glad when things got back to normal. Until they did, he and Sabine had a quiet deal to do whatever they could to help. “I’ll do a supply run with Rex later,” he said, closing the fridge. “Check in with AP-5 to see if there’s anything else we need,” Hera told him. Grimacing, Zeb said, “I’d rather fight the entire Empire for the eggs. Especially if Chopper’s there. Those two get along way too well.” “True,” Hera agreed, amusement flickering across her face. Zeb just wished he could find a way to keep the smile there. She’d been one of his best friends for just as long as Kanan. If he could just knock their heads together and make them see sense, he would. Unfortunately, that didn’t usually work. So he’d just keep doing his best where he could.

I really wanted to create a princess with an afro so here she is! Sneaking off into a magical forest, of course. 

The dress is very live-action Cinderella inspired and I tried some of Vashti Harrison’s illustrating techniques. I struggle with lineless art but I’m actually pretty happy with how this came out. Hope you like✨💕

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