Palestinian women being killed is a feminist issue.
Palestinian girls being killed is a feminist issue.
Palestinian women and girls being raped by IDF soldiers is a feminist issue.
Palestinian girls becoming orphans due to mass bombings by Israel is a feminist issue.
Palestinian women watching their children die from starvation is a feminist issue.
Pregnant Palestinian women getting C-section without anesthesia is a feminist issue.
Pregnant Palestinian women dying due to inadequate maternity care is a feminist issue.
Palestinian women and girls lacking access to menstrual products is a feminist issue.
Female Palestinian scholars, athletes, journalists, etc. being assassinated by Israel is a feminist issue.
Palestinian women and girls being degraded by Israeli and American news outlets is a feminist issue.
Palestinian girls being called anything but children is a feminist issue.
Palestinian women and girls being subjected to a genocide is a feminist issue.
Palestinian women and girls being victims of a patriarchal colonial settler state is a feminist issue.
Palestinian lesbian and bisexual women having their identities weaponized against them is a feminist issue.
Dead Palestinian lesbian and bisexual women having their identities be used as a justification for killing more Palestinians is a feminist issue.
If you support Israel, you cannot be a radical feminist, or even a feminist alone.