Just Kiss Her - Julian Budani (via caelestise)
View from Astor Place, Grant Shaffer
Angel aura smoky quartz! This one is really good quality and cost me a pretty penny! 🌈💖🌈😍 instagram: lanalesty
The shop is now updated! Included in the update are 10 necklaces I made specifically to double as both a necklace and a wand for magical workings. They all have extra long chains and beautiful combinations of crystals 💕
Selkies are said to live as seals in the sea but shed their skin to become human on land. The stories frequently revolve around female selkies being coerced into relationships with humans by someone stealing and hiding their sealskin, often not regaining the skin until years later upon which they commonly return to the sea, forsaking their human family. The legend is apparently most common in the Northern Isles of Scotland and is very similar to those of swan maidens.
Northern Washington coast.