☼ Greetings! Call me Kaji.
☁ For all my ru → eng posts, I use a translator. Although I mostly understand when people speak/write in English, I'm not very good at formulating a thought in the language myself. I will be glad to receive your comments on grammar, they help me to learn!
☁ Reposting is allowed with a link to the original source (me). Please post my work necessarily with the text story in the post.
☁ If you translate my work into another language, please leave a link to that translation in the comments of the post you translated.
☁ Для русскоговорящей аудитории - у меня есть телеграмм, где все мои посты выходят на русском. Пожалуйста, делайте репосты оттуда. Правила для их репоста не меняются.
☀ My AU - FantasyVerse is a work in progress. Will be released as a comic and lore as text.