#sort of – @kahn-on-tumblr on Tumblr

kahn on tumblr

@kahn-on-tumblr /

I am mostly a ghost these days....
30-something. Lady-person. Geek-girl. Gamer. Reader. Writer-type. Occasionally confuzzled by this whole tumblr-thing.
IMPORTANT: I would like anyone who follows me to be comfortable with my multi-fandom/generally spastic reblogging, so if you need me to tag specific things for blacklisting purposes PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO TELL ME. Thanks!
TAGS: #Writing things: My Fic (my fic on AO3) | Fic Recs | Useful References | Book Love | Author Love
This is my #Social Justice Tag This is my #Feminist Tag And my #Other Feminist Tag and here's a #Third one and a #Fourth This how I tag #Gifs | discussions of #Rape and #Rape Culture | violence | rants
#Fandoms (and favorite characters in that fandom): The Avengers (Tony) | Brooklyn 99 | Castle (Castle) | DC (Bruce, Tim) & Marvel (Steve, Carol) in general | Disney (Mulan & Lilo) | Elementary (Joan) | Guardians of the Galaxy (Groot) | Gundam Wing (Wufei) | Harry Potter (Harry) | Hannibal (Will) | Hawaii 5-0 (Danny) | The Hobbit (Bilbo) | James Bond: Skyfall (Q) | Les Miserables (Javert) | Lord of the Rings (Boromir) | BBC's Merlin (Merlin) | Muppets (Kermit) | Pacific Rim (Mako) | Pixar (Dug) | The Road to Eldorado (Tulio) | Sherlock Holmes [TV (John) & Movies (rdj!holmes)] | Sleepy Hollow (Abbie) | Star Trek (Kirk) | Star Wars (Luke) | Supernatural (Castiel) | Teen Wolf (Stiles) | X-Men: Movies (Charles) and generic tag (Storm) | Yu Yu Hakusho (Kurama) | and a handful of others because my interests are many and varied and I'm bad at editing down the list
WARNINGS: NOT SPOILER FREE (I try to tag it, but sometimes I forget.), occasionally NSFW (again, I try to tag it but it's not 100%), I am sometimes slow to answer messages. Not because I don't like messages! But usually because I'm over-thinking the answer or I've spent too long thinking about the answer and something distracted me and now I don't remember that I was supposed to reply or I worked out my answer in my head but didn't actually send it but my brain doesn't know the difference; sometimes because I'm 12 hours into a 24 hour marathon gaming session; sometimes I'm asleep at my computer (my chair is very comfortable); I STALK TAGS. If you reblog something and add tags I will read them.

I’ve been chatting with @squireofgeekdom​ about a Leverage AU and it’s getting MONSTERIOUSLY out of hand and I love it. So here’s 3 teams (Iron, Cap, and Super Spies) all running into each other when they accidentally target the same mark on the same day

Team Iron: Tony (Mastermind), Rhodey (Hacker), Pepper (Grifter), Peter (Thief) Team Cap: Steve (Mastermind/Forger), Sam (Thief), Bucky (Hitter/Grifter??) Super Spies: Natasha (Grifter/Hacker/can murder a man in a pinch, honestly), Clint (thief)

ADHD Gothic

•You’re scrolling your social media. You think it’s been 10 minutes. You check your clock. Five days have passed.

•You open the fridge, wanting something. You forget what you wanted. You only want to eat what you forgot. You forgot the last time you ate.

•Your leg is constantly moving. It hasn’t stopped for a while. You’re tapping your fingers. They hurt. You don’t stop.

•You read several paragraphs. You understand nothing. You read it all again. You understand even less.

•Someone says something to you. You ask them to repeat it again. You still don’t hear it. You ask them to repeat it again. You still don’t hear it. You stop asking.

•Someone tells you to focus. You focus too hard. The glass cracks. You shift to the astral plane. You know every single fact about dolphins and are ready to fight the king for dominance.

•Someone tells you that if it was important, you would of remembered it. You don’t remember their name. Guess they aren’t important. You watch as they fade away.

•You need to get up. Your brain doesn’t know how. You need to get up. You need to get up. You need to get up. You’re screaming and crying now. Your brain still doesn’t process it. You don’t get up.

•You look through your things. You can’t find what you need. What do you need? Someone tells you to organize. You try to do that. The mess gets worse. What do you need?

•You have many tabs open. 24 on wikipedia. 15 on youtube. 7 on social media. 6 on spotify. 4 on pandora. You think of a thing. You open another tab. After 5 seconds, you think of a thing. You open another tab. You open another tab. You open another tab. What are on half of these?

•You take out your phone, and. stare blankly at it for 20 minutes. You get on tumblr, and close tumblr to do something else. You open tumblr back up.

•You start a project. You start doing it. You start another project. You start doing it. You start another project. You start doing it. You never finish the projects.

too real. I didn’t know the dolphin thing was so common


The Big Questions:  Is there more truth in Shakespeare than the Bible?

Akala, Rapper, Writer, Academic and founder of the Hip-hop Shakespeare Company.

Prof Stanley Wells, the world’s leading Shakespeare scholar.

Oh my god, this is interesting.


Bartles, Emily C. “Making More of the Moor: Aaron, Othello, and Renaissance Refashionings of Race”. Shakespeare Quarterly, Vol. 41, No. 4 (Winter, 1990), pp. 433-454. Folger Shakespeare Library, in association with George Washington University.


No harm to any religion. It’s just a lamp ads by an Australian company. However, it’s funny!

I’m going to cry 😂😂


Ahaha, the reason why Mohammad is specifically mentioned as not being able to be there is because in Islam, portrayals and portraits of Mohammad are forbidden.  But they didn’t want to be seen as either hand waving him as at the table but not shown or as explicitly omitted.

Very smart move there advertising script writers.

This is so wholesome

was that last dude a frikkin Jedi

In Australia more than 70,000 people (0.37%) declared themselves members of the Jedi order in the 2001 census.  Now granted, many of them were taking the piss but that is if nothing else a lot of piss-takers.  An even greater percentage of the New Zealand population self-identified as Jedi in the 2001 census - 1.5%, which to put it in perspective is 0.3% more than said they were Buddhists.  We’re due for another census this year (the normal five year pattern got thrown off by the Canterbury earthquake in 2011 so the most recent one was 2013) and due to popular demand it appears that on the new forms, there will actually be a box you can mark for Jedi, rather than it being a write-in option.  (They’re also going to include things like identifying more denominations of Christianity and Judaism and more recently formed systems like Falun Gong, but obviously it’s the Jedi who make for a fun headline.)

So including a Jedi at the table of religious figures reflects an actual cultural (if not sincerely religious) phenomenon in this part of the world.


Part 1 of a Rick and Morty reading of some court transcripts from Georgia (word-for-word, this is directly from the court documents).

Note: I didn’t get all of it cause my phone was running out of space.

Here’s the link to the whole thing:

And, for reference, this is the actual transcript of the court documents:

This is the judge and defendant IRL:


This was the best eight minutes of my month so far.

I’ve watched this at least 6 times in the last few days.  


oh my god??????????



this part of the musical always makes me cry…










FOR REFERENCE: because I want everyone to understand how GREAT THIS IS (x)

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