Be kind. Book of K.
1. this is perfectly good advice 2. “none of us are getting out of here alive” is the kind of suspiciously specific denial a secret immortal would say
@kahn-on-tumblr /
Be kind. Book of K.
1. this is perfectly good advice 2. “none of us are getting out of here alive” is the kind of suspiciously specific denial a secret immortal would say
Man of the moment Keanu Reeves has shown his generosity by giving away £50 million of his earnings from the Matrix sequels. The 38-year-old decided to hand over the money to the unsung heroes of the sci-fi blockbusters - the costume and special effects teams.
Confirmed. He’s also dumped millions into cancer research. I really do love Keanu Reeves a lot.
Keanu Reeves is like the nicest person. He still lives in an apartment/flat and he gives most of his money away to charities and people who need it. He even invites some paparazzi people to sit down and eat with him when he’s at a coffee shop or restaurant. He’s such a nice person.
I seriously will never complain about him appearing in a movie because he is legit awesome