#dragon age – @kahn-on-tumblr on Tumblr

kahn on tumblr

@kahn-on-tumblr /

I am mostly a ghost these days....
30-something. Lady-person. Geek-girl. Gamer. Reader. Writer-type. Occasionally confuzzled by this whole tumblr-thing.
IMPORTANT: I would like anyone who follows me to be comfortable with my multi-fandom/generally spastic reblogging, so if you need me to tag specific things for blacklisting purposes PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO TELL ME. Thanks!
TAGS: #Writing things: My Fic (my fic on AO3) | Fic Recs | Useful References | Book Love | Author Love
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#Fandoms (and favorite characters in that fandom): The Avengers (Tony) | Brooklyn 99 | Castle (Castle) | DC (Bruce, Tim) & Marvel (Steve, Carol) in general | Disney (Mulan & Lilo) | Elementary (Joan) | Guardians of the Galaxy (Groot) | Gundam Wing (Wufei) | Harry Potter (Harry) | Hannibal (Will) | Hawaii 5-0 (Danny) | The Hobbit (Bilbo) | James Bond: Skyfall (Q) | Les Miserables (Javert) | Lord of the Rings (Boromir) | BBC's Merlin (Merlin) | Muppets (Kermit) | Pacific Rim (Mako) | Pixar (Dug) | The Road to Eldorado (Tulio) | Sherlock Holmes [TV (John) & Movies (rdj!holmes)] | Sleepy Hollow (Abbie) | Star Trek (Kirk) | Star Wars (Luke) | Supernatural (Castiel) | Teen Wolf (Stiles) | X-Men: Movies (Charles) and generic tag (Storm) | Yu Yu Hakusho (Kurama) | and a handful of others because my interests are many and varied and I'm bad at editing down the list
WARNINGS: NOT SPOILER FREE (I try to tag it, but sometimes I forget.), occasionally NSFW (again, I try to tag it but it's not 100%), I am sometimes slow to answer messages. Not because I don't like messages! But usually because I'm over-thinking the answer or I've spent too long thinking about the answer and something distracted me and now I don't remember that I was supposed to reply or I worked out my answer in my head but didn't actually send it but my brain doesn't know the difference; sometimes because I'm 12 hours into a 24 hour marathon gaming session; sometimes I'm asleep at my computer (my chair is very comfortable); I STALK TAGS. If you reblog something and add tags I will read them.

anyway something I hate about video games is when they make some assertion about the fictional society not being homophobic and yet the society is still heteronormative like. that’s not how things work

example: skyrim sexual orientation isn’t really talked about at all afaik and every person who can be married can be married with either character gender but like: everything is straight. I haven’t played skyrim in a while but like it’s all straight I feel like also there’s things people say in it that are heteronormative and are in there bc the people creating it didn’t see it as a problem or at odds with their apparent homophobia free society and like how can you create a fictional homophobia free society when you ain’t free of your real life assumptions. Anyway

I’ve noticed this with misogyny too, like when you go to pick your character’s gender in dragon age it says something about how men and women are considered equal and there are equal numbers of men and women in the army and in leadership positions etc.

and then you go to actually play the game and the overwhelming majority of the soldiers are male, soldiers are constantly referred to as “men,” there are characters who will say blatantly misogynistic or sexually aggressive things to you (like, blatant enough that it must be misogynistic on purpose)

and it makes me die


Some of this has to be because the people who made these games are almost exclusively straight white dudes - and while they may have had the intention of being inclusive, they literally cannot imagine what a world without heteronormativity and misogyny would look like. They give us the game mechanics to be a woman warrior or to marry a character of the same gender, but they didn’t extend this train of thought to imagine how a society where this was normal would be different from ours.

In Dragon Age, for example, the major world religion is centered on a woman, lead by women, with all-female priestesses. AND YET in everyday life characters still interact as though men are naturally in charge and express surprise at a woman issuing commands. This is directly contradictory and frankly lazy world building to suggest that people raised in a system lead exclusively by women would still somehow end up expecting male leadership, as though sexism was a sort of natural law that would happen in any society. It’s not. Also, the founding myth of their religion has the original sin as sexual jealousy rather than punishing female sexuality, which would suggest totally different social norms around monogamy, sexual orientation, and the whole idea of promiscuity. Instead they’re… More or less exactly the same as our society, slut-shaming included. This makes no sense!

It’s a complete failure of imagination, not to mention frustrating and sad.


if Ostagar was an MMORPG raid

[Duncan has joined the raid group]

[Alistair has joined the raid group]

[Surana has joined the raid group]


Duncan <Grey Wardens>: …you’re the raid leader?


Duncan <Grey Wardens>: yeah, I wasn’t guild leader at the time

Loghain <Doges of Ferelden>: they can’t even field a 10 man now

Duncan <Grey Wardens>: hard to recruit when you’re banned from the server. so what’s the strat?

Cailan <Doges of Ferelden>: um lol idk heals in the back I’ll main tank you OT

Duncan <Grey Wardens>: shouldn’t you let Loghain MT? I mean he’s got way more achievements. didn’t he get Hero of River Dane title?

Loghain <Doges of Ferelden>: on hard mode.

Cailan <Doges of Ferelden>: yeah but i’m guild leader ok i know what i’m doing. press 1 for heals

Wynne <Circle of Magi>: *1* We are so screwed.

Loghain <Doges of Ferelden>: so what about these nubcake scrubs you brought, Duncan?

Alistair <Grey Wardens>: I HEARD THAT

Duncan <Grey Wardens>: well like I said, we’re rebuilding the guild. are you sure we don’t want to wait cause we’ve got some guys from Orlais-US that can log in. Riordan just got stuck at work


Cailan <Doges of Ferelden>: any1 have recount

Alistair <Grey Wardens>: dude we didn’t even start the raid yet why are you worrying about DPS meters

Wynne <Circle of Magi>: Totally screwed.

Loghain <Doges of Ferelden>: why isn’t Surana saying anything on vent?

Surana <Grey Wardens>: sorry I don’t have a mic


AHAHAHA THERE IS NO GOING BACK FROM DRAGON HELL NOW I GUESS. 10 teas down, oh my god so many more characters to go. I am sorry I am just going in order of my faves right now because I’m trash. I’m jumping all over the place as far as game order goes, which is fitting since that’s how I’m playing them right now. I’m the worst.

  • Alistair [earl grey moonlightalmond,summer rose, cocoa nibs and rose petals] Ridiculously sweet, romantic, and playful, though still brews up strong. A blend that will sweep you off your feet and cry and cry and cry.
  • Gerrett Hawke [chocolate chaitiger eyelapsang souchongsafflower, chocolate chips and sprinkles] A little sharp, a little sassy, but a lot strong and ready to help you out of any tough situation. A good tea to have especially if you live in a place called ‘Darktown’ (please move).
  • Fenris [spiced greenhojichaearl grey green, cardamom] Bitter and yet curiously endearing with grassy, rich overtones with a slight floral note lurking in the back. A good detox tea after a night spent drinking expensive wine.
  • Dorian Pavus [green chaigunpowder,chocolate, chocolate chips, cardamom and red peppercorn] Dark, smokey, alluring and incredibly sexy, this tea knows it’s hot stuff and will magically coax you into relaxing
  • The Iron Bull [lapsang souchongchestnut,tiger eye, rose petals, cinnamon and cornflowers] PHWOAR. This one packs a whallop and is strangely sexy?? Like. My feelings are so confused.
  • Cullen Rutherford [assam melodycaramelvanilla, cinnamon and lemon verbena] Straight forward, maybe even a little simple, but strong, earnest, and exactly the cup of tea you need when everything else gets to be a little much. Brews up strong, though may be addicting.
  • Krem [creamlapsang souchong,caramel, gingerCREAM KREM TEA, DO YOU GET IT?
  • Cassandra [assam melodytoasted mate,chestnut, aniseed, cocoa nibs and cherry] A strong, aggressive tea that will kick your butt into shape and keep you in line, but with a surprising sweet touch that fits better than you may expect.
  • Solaslapsang souchongirish breakfastmasala chai, cloves] How to brew: Boil a hefty mug of water. Just. Throw away the tea. Tea is terrible. Put an egg in boiling water for 12 minutes. Carefully peel cooked egg. You now have a tasty treat, and not vile tea. (For real though, for a tasty treat, hard boil an egg, gently roll the egg on a hard surface so that you crack the shell but it stays intact on the egg. Steep a couple of tablespoons of this tea until super strong. Add a splash of soy sauce if you’d like. Place your gently cracked hardboiled egg in the tea and let it steep for a few hours, or overnight in the fridge. Peel and eat your beautiful marbled tea egg!)
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