#art – @kahn-on-tumblr on Tumblr

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@kahn-on-tumblr /

I am mostly a ghost these days....
30-something. Lady-person. Geek-girl. Gamer. Reader. Writer-type. Occasionally confuzzled by this whole tumblr-thing.
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WARNINGS: NOT SPOILER FREE (I try to tag it, but sometimes I forget.), occasionally NSFW (again, I try to tag it but it's not 100%), I am sometimes slow to answer messages. Not because I don't like messages! But usually because I'm over-thinking the answer or I've spent too long thinking about the answer and something distracted me and now I don't remember that I was supposed to reply or I worked out my answer in my head but didn't actually send it but my brain doesn't know the difference; sometimes because I'm 12 hours into a 24 hour marathon gaming session; sometimes I'm asleep at my computer (my chair is very comfortable); I STALK TAGS. If you reblog something and add tags I will read them.

ana mendieta “people looking at blood, moffit, iowa” 1973

“In this piece, Mendieta spilled a large amount of what appeared to be chunky blood over a doorway and sidewalk on an Iowa City street. Then she removed herself from the scene and, from a distance, photographed the reactions of various passersby. […] It intimates to passersby that a grievous and dramatic injury has taken place, but it gives no explanation and, more important, no recourse to action. It may incite horror, concern, compassion, and revulsion—in short, pity and fear—but it doesn’t offer anywhere for these feelings to go. […] Each pedestrian’s only real choice is to walk on by, which looks from the outside—and likely felt, on the inside—like an uncaring abandonment, even if of an indeterminate or imaginary entity. […] And somewhere out of sight lurks Mendieta, a voyeur of each passerby’s involuntary voyeurism. […] People Looking at Blood says, Look at this pile of carnage, with no clear story, source, assailant, or victim. Just look at it. Now look at others looking at it. (And I will be looking at you looking.)

The Art of Cruelty, Maggie Nelson

Ana Mendieta was murdered by her husband and fellow artist Carl Andre. This work became a self fulfilling prophecy and meditation on tragedy, the nature of violence, and peoples unwillingness to help.

And no I will not shut up about this.


By the way, her husband never went to prison for what he did.


But it’s NOT about unwillingness to help! It’s NOT about people not caring!! It’s so very explicitly the opposite!!!

I’ve BEEN in this situation. You walk past an old crime scene, or the place where an accident happened, and you see evidence of something terrible. If it’s old, maybe broken glass, or scuff marks.

But sometimes, you’re too late. Sometimes someone is on the ground, and EMTs are already helping, and the only helpful thing you can do you is move on, refuse to linger, refuse to form a crowd.

Sometimes there’s dried blood, or fresh blood, but when you look around you can’t find anyone hurt or needing help. Whatever happened, it has happened without you, and you can’t undo it or make it better. You could contact an authority, report what you’ve seen, but that’s just sharing information. It doesn’t FEEL like helping.

Humans are by nature incredibly compassionate creatures. What is more heartbreaking to an animal designed to bring comfort than a pain that cannot be comforted? A hurt that cannot be soothed?

You are confronted by this helplessness, and it looks you in the face and says, “It’s too late for you to fix this. You must move on, and hope that next time, you aren’t.” And then you do. You have to. There is no other choice.

Ana Mendieta’s piece is not condemning the observed- it’s mourning their directionless compassion, their grief, their uncertainty- their concern and hope offered to someone or something they will never know, never speak to, never be able to help.

It says that we love each other, that we care for one another, and that even if we are lost and no one ever finds us, we are cared for long after we are gone, and by people who never knew our names.

Our outrage at her death only proves this. Now that we know her life ended tragically, what will you do? What CAN you do? Nothing. You will observe the blood, experience something that cannot be captured on film, and move on.

“What CAN you do? Nothing. You will observe the blood, experience something that cannot be captured on film, and move on. “


Artist’s Temporary Decaying Art Brings Enchantment To The Forest

British sculptor Andy Goldsworthy is known for his phenomenal and temporary, installations which involve using natural elements, ranging from sticks, stones, leaves and twigs and anything that grows out of the earth. Sharing a special connection with the land ,which he celebrates in all his sculptures, Goldsworthy shows the world that nature cannot be contained, but only its beauty can be held on a canvas for precious few moments before the land recalls what it once grew.


Before the computing era, ILM was the master of oil matte painting, making audiences believe that some of the sets in the original Star Wars and Indiana Jones trilogy were real when they weren’t. They were the work of geniuses like Chris Evans, Michael Pangrazio, Frank Ordaz, Harrison Ellenshaw and Ralph McQuarrie Forever thank you, to their handmade art and the work of their colleagues, that made us dream of impossible worlds and fantastic places across Earth and the Universe.

There are more background paintings on this article, featuring comments by the masters/artists themselves ! 

Some of the following pieces were made by other artists:

I want this job


This job is obsolete due to computers.

It’s a shame, because there’s just something special about a good matte painting.

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