#i love him – @kahn-on-tumblr on Tumblr

kahn on tumblr

@kahn-on-tumblr /

I am mostly a ghost these days....
30-something. Lady-person. Geek-girl. Gamer. Reader. Writer-type. Occasionally confuzzled by this whole tumblr-thing.
IMPORTANT: I would like anyone who follows me to be comfortable with my multi-fandom/generally spastic reblogging, so if you need me to tag specific things for blacklisting purposes PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO TELL ME. Thanks!
TAGS: #Writing things: My Fic (my fic on AO3) | Fic Recs | Useful References | Book Love | Author Love
This is my #Social Justice Tag This is my #Feminist Tag And my #Other Feminist Tag and here's a #Third one and a #Fourth This how I tag #Gifs | discussions of #Rape and #Rape Culture | violence | rants
#Fandoms (and favorite characters in that fandom): The Avengers (Tony) | Brooklyn 99 | Castle (Castle) | DC (Bruce, Tim) & Marvel (Steve, Carol) in general | Disney (Mulan & Lilo) | Elementary (Joan) | Guardians of the Galaxy (Groot) | Gundam Wing (Wufei) | Harry Potter (Harry) | Hannibal (Will) | Hawaii 5-0 (Danny) | The Hobbit (Bilbo) | James Bond: Skyfall (Q) | Les Miserables (Javert) | Lord of the Rings (Boromir) | BBC's Merlin (Merlin) | Muppets (Kermit) | Pacific Rim (Mako) | Pixar (Dug) | The Road to Eldorado (Tulio) | Sherlock Holmes [TV (John) & Movies (rdj!holmes)] | Sleepy Hollow (Abbie) | Star Trek (Kirk) | Star Wars (Luke) | Supernatural (Castiel) | Teen Wolf (Stiles) | X-Men: Movies (Charles) and generic tag (Storm) | Yu Yu Hakusho (Kurama) | and a handful of others because my interests are many and varied and I'm bad at editing down the list
WARNINGS: NOT SPOILER FREE (I try to tag it, but sometimes I forget.), occasionally NSFW (again, I try to tag it but it's not 100%), I am sometimes slow to answer messages. Not because I don't like messages! But usually because I'm over-thinking the answer or I've spent too long thinking about the answer and something distracted me and now I don't remember that I was supposed to reply or I worked out my answer in my head but didn't actually send it but my brain doesn't know the difference; sometimes because I'm 12 hours into a 24 hour marathon gaming session; sometimes I'm asleep at my computer (my chair is very comfortable); I STALK TAGS. If you reblog something and add tags I will read them.

rdj kissing josh brolin on the lips is such a power move. the man doesn’t give a single fuck. he’s the male protagonist archetype of this century but he will kiss as many guys as he pleases because he can and there’s nothing hollywood can do about it

i love how the media has rdj as this manly hetero Man Of Iron™ but he lives on a diferent dimension where sexuality is whatever the fuck he wants it to be. he will kiss man and women as he pleases. he will dress in pink and yellow and not give a single fuck.




robert has always not given a single fuck for people’s views in what he should wear and how openly affectioned he can be with men. he’s not here for fragile masculinity and heterosexuality. he will continue to kiss, hug and shower them all with love.


If Darth Vader hadn’t killed all the Jedi, there’s NO WAY Luke would have become a Jedi Master. Not for lack of talent, and definitely not because of the Dark Side, but dude, Luke Skywalker trying to comply with the “no emotional connections” policy?

The Council would be like “Luke, stop making friends, it is the Path to Corruption” and Luke would be like “What? It’s only Han” “What about these other 356,739,000 people you made friends with?” “They’re really nice! If you got to know them-” “And you and your sister need to stop saving each other. Only we can authorize rescues. Connection Is Bad.” and so Luke Skywalker fled the Order in the dead of night, never to be seen again, except by his 356,739,000 friends, many of whom are in the Jedi Order anyway


Johnson shares how an episode of depression eventually led him to professional wrestling, and what he learned from the experience. 



He’s truly an angel & we are blessed by his existence

This deserves all the reblogs, because being depressed is feeling absolutely  alone, but I promise you you aren’t. *Hugs to all my followers* It’s not the primary purpose or focus of this blog, but as someone who has suffered from depression and anxiety, my inbox is always open to anyone who might need or want to talk. <3


Tim Gunn on Plus Size Clothing

“Have you seen most of the plus-size sections out there? It’s horrifying. Whoever’s designing for plus-size doesn’t get it. The entire garment needs to be reconceived. You can’t just take a size 8 and make it larger. In my travels, I’ve been an advocate for larger women. I’ve been talking to designers, but only a half-dozen make an effort. Most say, ‘I don’t want a woman who’s a size 10 or 11 wearing my clothes.’ Well, shame on you! It’s not realistic


Love him.


"You can’t just take a size 8 and make it larger." Praise Jesus and all the saints for him saying this because damn, most “PLUS SIZED” clothing is fugly.


Amen. The plus sized clothing out there is crazy and makes me just…

I’m not surprised he said this. Ever since the first season, when they’ve had to do garments for everyday people who aren’t models, there’s always one designer (at the very least) who flips out as though they’ve never in their life considered that people who aren’t a size 0 might wear their clothes. Tim always looks at them like he wants to drown them in a lake.

Tim Gunn is a gift to the world!


Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, one of the worlds coolest celebrities both on, and off the set. 

The Rock is literally one of my favorite people

if you don’t like the Rock we can’t be friends

…Why isn’t there a reality tv show based around him just cooking food. and eating. and feeding people. and being cool.

w h y

I love himmmmmm

Fun fact. “The Rock” has single handedly contributed more to make a wish foundation than anyone else on the face of this earth.


He is honestly one of the most amazing people on the face of the earth. The world would be such a better place if more people were like him.


Owner of the greatest celebrity Facebook page of all-time, Vin Diesel, is voicing the large tree-man Groot in the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy. Groot is notable for only being able to say “I am Groot” - sort of like an outer-space Hodor with sliiiiightly greater knowledge of grammar and semantics. And so that the production wouldn’t be forced to bring in other actors to voice the character for foreign markets, Vin Diesel opted to record the foreign language lines himself.

To watch the video (and to see Vin Diesel on stilts), click here!

The best thing that ever happened was definitely during “The Message”. I think for some reason it wasn’t on the gag reel. It was possibly the best piece of acting I’ve ever seen, which is the three-sixty [360 degree camera rotation] that Tim [as director] did while everyone was listening to the farewell message from Tracey [played by Jonathon Woodward]. And Nathan is standing with Zoe, looking kind of stricken - this is his old friend - and the camera pans around to Kaylee - and Nathan’s sitting next to Kaylee, looking kind of stricken in another way. And he managed to duck under the camera and get to every single member of the cast and just look really sad [laughs]. And some of them just could not keep it together and some of them did. But I’ve got to tell you - it’s hard to describe. And then when it finally panned down to the body in the coffin, Nathan was lying in [Woodward’s] arms, looking stricken. It was unbelievable - not only hilarious, but technically proficient. He really put some thought into it. But that’s Nathan.

— Joss Whedon, Firefly - The Official Companion. Volume Two

This post makes me so happy.

A message from the birthday boy.


i like how he just talks about sex

and then cats.


robert must have lost a bet with the devil. now every mention of sex must be followed with themention of kittens

sex and then kittens.

Robert Downey Jr is literally tumblr

Robert Downey Jr is literally Tumblr.

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