i just hope that no person anywhere in the world at any point in the future has to go through what mothers in gaza went through these past few months.
like it was so insane. women were giving birth without medical aid and having c-sections without anaesthesia while being malnourished and unable to properly provide food and warmth to their newborns. they couldn't produce milk and couldn't afford baby formula. hell, at a certain point finding baby formula was impossible in certain areas of gaza. and there was the constant fear of death hanging over their heads.
there were hopes that after the ceasefire things would improve for these babies and their mothers. that their quality of life would improve. but now that there are chances that israel won't continue with the ceasefire, we need to support these mothers and infants, now more than ever.
please please consider helping my friend suad, who has a little baby boy who suffers from respiratory problems. she just wants to ensure her son's well being. baby khaled is around 8 months old. her fundraiser has been verified (#279).