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prawn pot hangout spot


Sawyer | 26 | 18+ but sfw | they/them | white
sometimes there is art here
i like boggart a lot and also ganondorf

i just hope that no person anywhere in the world at any point in the future has to go through what mothers in gaza went through these past few months.

like it was so insane. women were giving birth without medical aid and having c-sections without anaesthesia while being malnourished and unable to properly provide food and warmth to their newborns. they couldn't produce milk and couldn't afford baby formula. hell, at a certain point finding baby formula was impossible in certain areas of gaza. and there was the constant fear of death hanging over their heads.

there were hopes that after the ceasefire things would improve for these babies and their mothers. that their quality of life would improve. but now that there are chances that israel won't continue with the ceasefire, we need to support these mothers and infants, now more than ever.

please please consider helping my friend suad, who has a little baby boy who suffers from respiratory problems. she just wants to ensure her son's well being. baby khaled is around 8 months old. her fundraiser has been verified (#279).


Update (70)

The Israeli occupation's decision to close the Gaza Strip crossings quickly affected the lives of 2.4 million Palestinians, who have not yet recovered from a devastating war that has ravaged them for 15 months.

This crime, which represents a disregard for the international community and international humanitarian law, and a blatant violation of the international charter of human rights, which stipulates that water, food, medicine and shelter are basic rights that cannot be violated, in addition to its use as a means of cheap blackmail to achieve political goals at the expense of the suffering of hundreds of thousands of people.

This crisis poses a risk to the elderly and children in my family who suffer from malnutrition, as we cannot afford to buy basic food after the skyrocketing prices in the markets.

The goal is to reach €4000 to be able to buy only the basic food needs that enable us to survive.

Please Reblog

In 1982, quite by accident, a zookeeper at Izu Shaboten Zoo in Shizuoka Prefecture discovered that capybaras absolutely loved soaking in hot water, and the practice of providing them an onsen, or traditional Japanese hot spring, was born. Source Massimo; video @yu_haradakei.



Please Listen To Me 💔🙏

I really need your help to travel outside the country and escape to a safe place for my family and children to build a better future without wars.

My campaing vetted by

Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #106 )



#@nabulsi @90-ghost #@el-shab- hussein #@aria-ashryver #@northgazaupdates2 #@sar-soor #@flower-tea-fairies #@palestinegenocide #@gazagfmboost #@palestinegenocide #@heba-20 #@aces-and-angels #@fairycosmos #@greenpinkstraw #@ibtisams


Vetted by @bilal-salah0

The war is still trying to kill us and we are still trying to survive .


Art scam accounts below are just wanting your email address to send you a phishing link and don’t want to commission you. Cut contact with them if you’re in communication with them at the moment:

spookyblazedreamland | darkcreationobservation | bigperfectiongarden | breeariaga7 | casualdonutgalaxy | marybzed21 -> lovethma21 | nazagrace | nilison99 | tomsony33 | lynettecarter | laberose | williamsart | veryphantomphantom | coraldreamninja | decadentreviewtree |

(More TBA)


i think we should be talking about the semi-recent advancements in cystic fibrosis treatment like all the time every day. there hasn’t been a drug like this since AZT medications for HIV infection it is truly fucking miraculous and very important

basically: cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease which makes the mucous a person generates extra sticky. it used to kill people in infancy, then with advancements in medical tech it killed people in young childhood, and until very recently cystic fibrosis patients could expect to live until about thirty years old with consistent painful lung infections and complications.

in 2019 the FDA approved a drug called trikafta (which is really three drugs in one) for cystic fibrosis treatment. what it essentially does is patch up the malfunctioning proteins that cause the extra sticky mucus. trikafta is effective on about 90% of cystic fibrosis patients.

people who had spent their entire lives in and out of hospitals, on and off of ventilators, suffering from pneumonia and sometimes treated through painful procedures like intubation took this drug, got out of bed, coughed up an entire lifetimes worth of mucus out of their lungs over the course of a few hours, breathed clearly for perhaps the first time in their lives, and now go on to live well into their seventies.

like isn’t that insane. isn’t that amazing. doesn’t that give you hope for the future of medical advancements and treatment. fuck. i think about it all the time……


One of our fabric sales reps came in for an appointment yesterday and we ended up talking about the long term impacts of the pandemic. The home quilting market is predominantly a conservative customer base, so when COVID precautions were politicized, those ladies followed along and didn't get vaccinated, didn't wear masks, etc. Now many of them are dead. Most of the fabric stores in the conservative regions that our reps call on have lost twenty percent of their customers. The ladies the shop knew by name because they could be counted on for annual trade-in upgrades of $9000 sewing machines? Dead. Viking is laying off half of its staff. It's taken two years for the impact to become obvious, but the home sewing industry in the US is in shambles. A lot of experience, knowledge and artistry was lost and when the independent shops have to close, we'll lose even more.

Sorry to anyone who had a JoAnn's not on the above list. All stores will now be closed and liquidated.

The CEO of Birch Fabrics just sent out a letter saying that they are running a sale to see if they can generate enough cash to last another month. They are literally a five person business at this point, and production costs have gotten so high that they might not be able to continue. I hope they can hang on, because their organic cotton canvas is so good. I love their Charley Harper collection. :(

This is wild, I live in the uk and only quilt out of spite and vinegar (Really bad at it, only doing it because I wanted quilts, enemies with my sewing machine) and now I’m like I should quilt more out of double spite ✌️


Abstract Patients with long COVID can develop humoral autoimmunity after severe acute SARS-CoV-2 infection. However, whether similar increases in autoantibody responses occur after mild infection and whether vaccination prior to SARS-CoV-2 breakthrough infection can limit autoantibody responses is unknown. In this study, we demonstrate that mild SARS-CoV-2 infection increases autoantibodies associated with rheumatic autoimmune diseases and diabetes in most individuals, regardless of vaccination status prior to infection. However, patients with long COVID and persistent neurologic and fatigue symptoms (neuro-PASC) have substantially higher autoantibody responses than convalescent control subjects at an average of 8 mo postinfection. Furthermore, high titers of systemic lupus erythematosus– and CNS-associated autoantibodies in patients with neuro-PASC are associated with impaired cognitive performance and greater symptom severity. In summary, we found that mild SARS-CoV-2 primary and breakthrough infections can induce persistent humoral autoimmunity in both patients with neuro-PASC and healthy COVID convalescents, suggesting that a reappraisal of mitigation strategies against SARS-CoV-2 is warranted to prevent transmission and potential development of autoimmunity.

to break this down even further:

this study essentially found that being infected with even a "mild" case of covid (SARS-CoV-2) & subsequently developing long covid causes your body to produce the same immune responses seen in autoimmune disorders like arthritis and type 1 diabetes. as a reminder, autoimmune diseases are where your immune system attacks healthy body cells, which will eventually lead to serious (& often painful) medical problems if you do not manage them properly. managing autoimmune diseases & disorders are often very expensive, if they're even possible to treat at all. many of them are still very poorly understood... like, for example, those associated with long-term post-covid infection.

furthermore, being vaccinated does not fully protect you from this unpleasant covid side effect. vaccinated individuals can still acquire long covid, and by association, that means y'all can still develop these poorly-understood immune problems. if you are vaccinated and happen to catch covid, the vaccine only lowers the chances you'll develop long covid from that one infection. you can still acquire it from future infections if you don't take precautions to prevent one from happening in the first place.

your takeaways from this should be to mask up when you go out in public, to get your booster shots regularly, and to not let anyone try to tell you catching covid is safe or normal. every new bit of information we learn about what the SARS-CoV-2 virus can do to you is more horrifying than the last, and y'all truly, truly do not need to subject yourselves to that shit.


Let these be the photos that mark tonight.

This evening, Rep. Al Green of Texas was forcibly removed from the joint session of Congress by the sergeant-at-arms for standing up and yelling “You have no mandate to cut Medicaid.” during the president’s address.

“He is a person who has consistently used incivility against civility,” Green said. 
“I’m willing to suffer whatever punishment is available to me,” he continued. “I didn’t say to anyone, ‘Don’t punish me.’ I’ve said I’ll accept the punishment, but it’s worth it to let people know that there are some of us who are going to stand up against this president’s desire to cut Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security.”
“This is about the people who are being punished by virtue of losing their health care,” he added. “This is the richest country in the world, and we have people who don’t have good health care.” (Per HuffPost)
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