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From Here To Eternity.

@k25ff /


Things what I do:

Chiasmata (webcomic)

An ontological mystery about a group of people who find themselves trapped in an unknown Location, amnesiac and with mysterious powers.

Quiet and Antagonism - webnovel about falling into another world. Cosmic fantasy in flavour, I suppose. On hiatus, right now, and also on Royal Road if you want to read it there.

Here's a "story masterpost" full of tags that are nonexhaustive about what else I talk about, plus the above.

Check out my art tag!


This week one of my coworkers said to me "you have a really strong sense of morals and want everything to be done the right way which sucks for you personally but is a net benefit for everyone else around you" and I think I should put that on my resume


last night I conceived of a truly diabolical plan of pointless and petty evil and I shall have such fun putting it into action. a little birthday present to myself.

so the evil plan was to invite my friend who Deeply Hates Boardgames™️ over for a little party and, once everyone was seated at the table, produce a copy of Dune Imperium and say “finally we have enough players!”

I was going to wait for their face to crumble in horror and dismay while I whined that I was a little birthday boy and I really wanted to play the game before I lifted the lid and revealed that it contained only a cake, at which point I would laugh maniacally

only instead of protesting, my poor sweet loyal friend only sighed in resignation and braced themself for a tedious board game… out of love for me… I literally bought two empty board game boxes for the express purpose of tormenting my best buddy and how am I rewarded for my troubles? with gentle indulgence and forgiveness. disgusting.

"Okay Burd, do your magic, I guess" mumbled Octavia, still upset that she was forbidden from using her sledgehammer to open the vault. Janus d'Burd leaned closer to examine it. Unfortunately, he knew the model, and absolutely hated it. "Well, um, I have seen one of these lockboxes before." "Okay." "And um, you are not going to like what you are going to hear." "Why, is it cursed with a deadly spell? Will it wake up a mummy to suck out our moisture?" "No uh... a mummy?" "I have heard it happen back at home. Nevermind, nevermind, go on." "Okay. Um. So, this lockbox, it works by transmuting the items inside it into um pure noise, and... well." There was an awkward pause. "Are you saying, this magic box is a... Safe And Sound?" "I am sorry." Octavia sighed. A deathtrap would be just a regular, everyday obstacle. But a pun? This was unforgivable.
"Time to enforce deific will through overwhelming firepower!"

Oh wait, there was a fourth entry in the devils/demons/angels trifecta. Here's an aeon. (1835)

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