justmilah reblogged
she was right about that. he would age. he would grow up. he would be shunned by those he had known as his family for so long even he didn’t know. the idea of losing peter and his fellow lost boys was a sharp pain in his heart and in his soul. they were all that he had. he hid the torment of thinking and rethinking and rethinking the same scenario like he always did - he distracted himself with the task at hand.
“ i have options. it doesn’t have to be your heart, ” he whispered, leaning in closer. a quick, devious smile glanced off of his pale lips. felix stepped back a pace.
“ it’s your choice. ”
Milah studied him for a long, hard moment, eyes narrowed and head tilted to one side. She hoped it came across as her peering into his soul, reading his every thought, as she used to be accused of doing when she would look at someone this way. Then she softly snorted through her nose and reached up pluck a bit of lint from his shoulder. “Is it really my choice, Felix? Or is that what you tell yourself in case things...don’t work out? Is that what you tell everyone?”
She scratched at the back of her neck before letting out another sigh. “I don’t know how to get there. I barely know how to leave Neverland. But aside from that, I’ll do what I can to help.”