Hey soldiers, Commander speaking here,
I want to say a couple of words for all of the Americans that follow me, but even others can still hear me out because it's important and it's something that goes beyond geopolitical borders.
But first of all, if you voted for that abomination that promotes hate, LEAVE my headquarters right now. Or if you agree with his ideas really. Leave. Here, Let me say it loud and clear again.
Now. I know the situation looks bad, I know it does. However, know that I love you and I'm sorry for what you will have to deal with for the next 4 years, I know this looks like the worst thing that could have happened. I know that many are scared. But this commander was taught a lesson by one of you and now I'll share it with the rest of you guys.
Sometimes you can't help but feel powerless when simply EXISTING seems to be a crime, according to the government you have to put up with. Someone decided you shouldn't exist even if you don't hurt anyone and never chose to be who you are. And all you can do to fight back against such injustice is simply existing. Keep on existing. Keep breathing and resisting, because the one who decided you shouldn't be here, is someone who thinks they can get rid of you from the distance, through fear. But if you keep existing, they'll be losing the fight, no matter what they say. Because you still exist.
Keep fighting, protest, let your voice be heard and don't give up. Wherever you are, not just in the USA, fight back. Let your voice be heard or simply just keep being who you are. And don't give up because by not surrendering, by living and breathing and existing, you are already fighting back. A little ant that fights back, weak perhaps, but you are there.
You are worth being loved. You never chose to be who you are, you're not hurting anyone, so love yourself because you deserve it.
I'll end this here before I'll start to bore you with my monolgues. But again, you know your commander is a bit silly, but I love you. I know you can make it.
Over and out.