juneboba reblogged
- do not support fckh8
- do not support susan g komen
- do not support autism speaks
- do not support peta
- stop supporting shitty organizations
- put your money towards organizations that actually help
Some additional resources:
Why fckh8 sucks
Why Susan G Komen is actually pretty shitty
Why Autism Speaks is a vile vile organization (so many trigger warnings, check the top of the post)
Why PETA does not actually support animal rights (animal harm and death warning)
instead support:
Lambda Legal (fights for LGBTQ rights on a legal standpoint in the US)
National Breast Cancer Foundation (alternative to Susan G Komen)
Autistic Self Advocacy Network (Autistic-run alternative to Autism Speaks)
Animal Welfare Institute (actually supports animal rights, unlike PETA)
It’s kind of frustrating to be given a list of things not to support without being given an alternative. NBCF and AWI are quick finds, please let me know if they’re problematic. I do not think Lambda Legal is, and I know ASAN is a fantastic support run by and for autistic people.