New fluffytown aka pillowtown is the newest addition with Darkest Timeline. Both are available in T-Shirt,poster & Iphone cases
Holy shit. During tonight’s episode, this was slipped in during Troy and Abed’s Christmas Invasion under the lyric ”If years were seasons, this December would be the December of our December.”
This is the entire series’ master story circle. The whole thing. If you don’t know what that is, read this article. Basically this is the master arc of the entire series.
You’ll notice something else: as per Dan Harmon’s story structure, it’s broken into quadrants. These quadrants correspond to story and emotional landmarks that stories should hit at certain points. They also correspond to seasons of the show. Each of the pictures in quadrant 1 (upper right) are from season 1, quadrant 2 from season 2, and so on. There’s only 4 quadrants. So I guess if we make it to season 4, that might be all we get.
Also: each of the small circles after the highlighted one (tonight’s episode) is grayed out with static, representing the uncertainty of the show’s future. Also remember the lyric this came up under: ”If years were seasons, this December would be the December of our December.”
Dan Harmon, you’re a genius. And I seriously hope you get to fill in those static circles.
Community is pretty much my favorite show
Rick Perry also says: Community’s Christmas episode was the worst episode in television history and had no poignancy at all.
You all knew this was coming. JUST LIKE WINTER
Procrastination and Beginning Architecture: my friend and I turned my entire apartment into a “blanket fort city.” Why? Because #Community reminded us how awesome that would be. #Sixseasonsandmovie
This actually brought a tear to my eye. Amazing work, guys. - panicky
I want to go to there.
I had a Community-themed blanket fort sleepover with my sister. It doesn't look impressive in this photo but it really was *proud*. I love being able to be a kid again. Community reminds its audience that it's okay to be young again all the while reminding them that they're still adults and that they're still growing up. It's okay to be a grown-up and not grow up sometimes. So thank you, Community cast and crew. I also thank NBC for airing this show and I hope they'll be able to run for at least "six seasons and a movie."
By the way, if someone makes a poster of the text I imposed with an icon of a blanket fort, you would be super awesome :D
Easter Egg of the Day: Want to know why Community is getting canceled? Because it’s simply too amazing for this world.
You already know how chock-full of Easter Eggs it is, right? Well, someone just found the best one yet.
It seems that the writers have been sneaking the word “Betelgeuse” into the script of a single episode each season.
Check out what happened when the word was uttered a third time during the show’s Halloween episode, “Horror Fiction in Seven Spooky Steps.” (Hint: Look behind Annie.)
Pure brilliance.
Joel McHale’s online video for People Magazine’s “Sexiest Man Alive”. The cast of Community may or may not be in this video. Just…just watch it.
Best People Mag's Sexiest Man Alive video. Ever. For realzies.