He thinks he’s being sneaky
Backstory made to fit a sexualized design vs. a design made to fit a backstory requiring a character to wear minimal clothing.
They’re both bad actually
tf is the difference
the difference: Sports bra and athletic shorts vs. Thong, ripped tights, and non-functional bikini bra. The backstory: Needs to expose skin because powered by sun, or something like that. The one on the right is actually MUCH much better.
So, shouldn’t Superman’s outfit be similar, since he gets his power from the sun too?
Shouldn’t you care about real issues? is just a game
This just in: games are not a real issue. Gamergate can go home.
I love it when they bring the “is just a game” bit. Oh man the hypocrisy is sublime. These same scrubs that yell “its a just a game” nearly lose an artery if the game developing team doesnt provide actual representation of GUNS in MGS games. They freak the hell out. OH NOES THIS GUN IS NOT REAL ENOUGH WHERE IS MAH “REALISM”?!?! Look if it was only a game Snake can be using a rainbow colored duck as a gun. But see you wont have that, you want realism in your games of murder and death. So Mr. Realist, in a real combat scenario NO, I repeat, NO single soldier/mercenary/assassin/general bad ass/ would ever go into a DESERT combat area in thongs and the chest nearly exposed. NEVER, EVER, IN A MILLION YEARS. And if you come at me saying she is a sniper, son, get your facts in check, because even the elite snipers in the WORLD wont wear the shit she is wearing. And since this is not a game put in a MAGICAL world you can suck your “its magic” rule. You morons know nothing about real combat, but demand reality, but oh wait, reality doesnt apply to your eye candy. Just man up and admit all you want is stroking material to fap to and spare us your lame ass excuses to justify your own personal fetish.
^ nix the “man up” lingo. i mean just look at how these same kind of people react when women wear functional armor:
Video Games Evolution part 1
You’re not just watching the characters on screen; you’re becoming those characters.”