brand - franche lippee FW ‘15 collection coordinates
1/30/16 coord. I attended a meetup at the MET and went out to eat afterwards with @sweetlullabai. I had so much fun! 💕💖
IG: @sanriopalace
Oh my god
Next level
What the fuuuuuck! 😃
this is the best thing the internet has ever done
Yesss always here for dolled-up kitties
(also you see that some are also in hakama????)
ハイネックコルセット (BBD18-H505 BK/M) ¥15,120 (本体価格 ¥14,000)
Hey uh, what's your opinion on ganguro makeup?
I don’t think my personal opinion matters as I am not Japanese and do not know enough about the history of ganguro makeup to give you a solid answer. But if you’re looking for a social context, I think you should look to @thisisnotjapan. I pulled the following from their FAQ here:
Is wearing gyaru, lolita, ganguro, etc cultural appropriation? I do not personally feel that this is cultural appropriation. While they are trends that originate in Japan, there is a difference between fashion trends and valuable cultural tradition. However, white people who participate in these trends often tend to fetishize or exotify Japanese people, use yellowface, or just overall objectify Japanese culture and people.
New Releases: Ozz On - ドラゴンストライプジャケット - 2712307
Colors: Red, Black
Price: 17,064 Yen