Why don't you ban hate blogs?
Believing free expression is a right means tolerating a lot of stuff that you and I think is disgusting.
Oscar Wilde said: “I may not agree with you, but I will defend to the death your right to make an ass of yourself.” We believe that, and we’d rather see these battles settled through open debate than through censorship.
I am extremely grateful that you guys have always been ready to engage in that debate, and continually drop knowledge on the people who need it.
You can learn more about the material we don’t allow on Tumblr (doxxing, revenge porn, etc.) in our Community Guidelines. If you see any of that stuff, don’t just post about it, REPORT IT.
Freedom of speech has limitations if you’re literally using it to dehumanize someone or diminish their quality of life. Which interferes with their inalienable rights.
Shut the hell up, DAVID.
so protecting a man who called me all kinds of racial slurs, told me to kill myself, and said i was “spreading sars” takes priority over me, who is literally just existing lmao. like the guy’s name is euthanizeallorientals, he has nazi symbolism all over his blog, and HIS NAME IS EUTHANIZE-ALL-ORIENTALS. i don’t know how much clearer i have to make it that it violates your malicious speech rule and it’s been over a year.
you can’t negotiate with hate blogs. you’re either against them and you keep them from having a platform—thus protecting innocent people, or you’re with them and allow them to use your platform to continue hurting people. they know this and they’re playing you like a fiddle.