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-- Shiva Cannot Be Stopped --

Shiva with an izuna drop. Why can the world never have nice things? This game could have been peak…


Her other grab is a bit weirder, apparently she has psychokinetic powers. Or maybe the sword is so damn proud of being handled by THEE Lady Shiva that it just does a happy little dance.


the best lady shiva has been written in a long time and the worst lady shiva has been written in a long time being put out simultaneously this is so fucked


I'll never forget back in August when both got announced, one after the other. And Best of the Best was announced first.

It was the hardest It's Over WE'RE SO BACK I've ever experienced.


Boy am I glad Brombal/Miyazawa's BATGIRL is being published right now because the last four or so pages of today's issue of BLACK CANARY: BRAVE AND THE BOLD were some insulting-ass shit.


Imagine if Shiva was popular enough to be fanonized like

Headcanon that Shiva's a big Kendrick Lamar fan after the beef uwu

Shiva always has deep dish pizza in the oven every Saturday for [insert forced Straight Ship that makes no sense]

Shiva's favorite position is missionary

One of my personal Shiva headcanons is that she's really into surf rock. Classic 70s-ass Dick Dale/Ventures stuff, even Eleki Rock fusions like Takeshi Terauchi. She vibes to Link Wray's "Rumble". And nobody is really sure why.

But back in the early 70s, before Lady Shiva existed, there were once two girls sitting in their room listening to "Pipeline" on vinyl and thinking it was the coolest shit ever.


Hey everyone, I know it's going to be a busy day for a lot of people, but Google enrolled everyone over 18 into their AI program automatically.

If you have a google account, first go to and turn everything off.

Then you need to go to and turn off all Gemini activity tracking. You do have to do them in that order to make sure it works.

Honestly, I'm not sure how long this will last, but this should keep Gemini off your projects for a bit.

I saw this over on bluesky and figured it would be good to spread on here. It only takes a few minutes to do.


Writers: It's asking to read your Google Docs and be able to 'summarize' things from them and such things. I just turned all mine off.

Because this isn't mentioned above, also go to and turn off all the annoying bits that interface directly with docs there.

This is all in the "privacy" tab of your settings. How fun that everything is hidden two layers deep. 🙄 This DOESN'T get rid of the stupid little star constantly asking you to use it, unfortunately, but that's what the picker in ublock is for. 😉


More detail instructions for OP's post for those who are confused. This is done from the browser on my laptop, I don't know what they look like on phones.

When you click the first link, you need to click on the setting icon at the bottom, then choose "Extension", like this:

Scroll down a bit, you will see the options, turn them all off.

Then, you click on the second link, you'll see it tells you that it's already "turn off". NO! IT'S NOT! You have to click on that "Turn off" option, it'll drop down a menu like this:

Turn that thing off. Until that button shows you have to click to turn it back on like this:

And then, click on the delete button down there too, even if it says there's nothing to delete, just do it as a caution.

After you's done with those two. You go to your Drive, find the Setting button.

Click on the "Privacy" tab, choose the button "Manage Workspace smart feature setting"

Tick both of those off, then click Save. Or if you still want to use Google AI assistant for some reasons, please read the fine lines very very carefully.

Only then, you can feel safe enough with this force AI assistant bullshit. FOR NOW 🤡 All these steps still can't get rid of that Gemini blinkblink icon though >:(((((

Repeat for every one of your google accounts 💀


can confirm it looks pretty much the same on mobile

if you already had your google account on the highest privacy settings possible (as i did with my main), gemini is off by default, there won't be anything in the extensions tab and you don't have to turn it off

but i did have to go through this process with my other accounts, so do check all of them

Fun fact for that last bit where you turn off "Workspace smart features" i couldn't get that working on mobile, you have to go to the website and switch to desktop mode so it functions like a desktop and then do the steps outlined above (warning: buttons are VERY small)

Anonymous asked:

asking you because you seem to know i remember there being a 2000ad comic about dark judges appearing in the future. there was some talk about 'defeating death with science' (something like that, not sure excatly) but those people got killed anyway IIRC. my question is: do you know/remember the name of that comic?

Yup! Back in 2017, the NEW SCIENTIST magazine published a Dark Judges story called NO FUTURE:

A pretty nifty idea and a great creative team behind it too. Good stuff.


I always wanted to read this but it's a mission trying to find it on the new scientist site 😭

If you want it, send me a DM and I'll send it to you, no probs.

Anonymous asked:

What do you think happened to Sofia Ramos after she left with Shiva?

I hope she got her revenge. Or at least that she got some kind of revenge that was enough to satisfy her anger. And I hope that once, she got it, she did find a way to go back to being a normal person, unlike Shiva.

One, because I'm a sucker for happy endings. And two, because I think Shiva would find that interesting. I think she'd be fascinated by seeing someone who walked a similar path to hers, but then actually managed to do the thing she didn't, which is find something else to fill the void left behind by accomplishing her vengeance.

What's so different between them? What allowed Sofia to do that? What does she have that Shiva doesn't? That's what I'd find most compelling.

Anonymous asked:

So, are you ready for Shiva's true origin to be revealed?

Oh, brother. I am... apprehensive.

On one hand, I trust Brombal to write something respectful. Maybe it won't be everything I want it to be, but I'm sure it won't be nearly as awful as Gabrych's retcon or as half-baked as Simone's village of assassins. I'm sure it will be fine.

But on the other, well, you've probably read my thoughts on giving Shiva an origin already (and if you haven't, they're here). The tl;dr: is that I don't think Shiva needs an origin and I think that every new origin, every new retcon, every new piece of Shiva Lore only dilutes the power of her first origin as a normal person who became an invincible superfighter for revenge, got her revenge and then was left wondering what to do with her life now.

Once you start adding stuff like a village of assassins that imply that Sandra was born to be Shiva, or David Cain murdering Carolyn and then sexually assaulting Sandra, it just starts robbing her of agency in her own origin (and in the David case is just fucking gross). Sure, Sandra in the original was tricked into trying to kill Richard, but everything else, including her becoming a thrill-seeking super agent, is 100% her decision.

So while I'm trying to keep myself open to surprises and I've already kinnnda liked some of the stuff Brombal's been doing, like the Order of Shiva redefining, I still think it's unnecessary to go back to Shiva's past when you could be focusing on her present and her future.


Cass n shiva drawings from a while ago

The little comic is a redraw of fma (below the cut)

Anonymous asked:

So, I was thinking about Cass and Shiva, and I remembered the time when Cass became a villain. If Shiva appeared during the stories of that time, how do you think she would react? I imagine she would be extremely pissed and murderous towards the ones that forced Cass to act against her will.

Yeah, you nailed it. I think Shiva should always respect Cass walking her own path, becoming her own woman and finding her own strength. But I also think that should come with a certain degree of weird, messy protectiveness.

Shiva seeing Cass letting herself stray from her path should piss her off, not least of which because she knows that it can only result in a weaker, brittle, lesser version of her daughter. She knows how strong Cass can be when she's at one with herself and how weak she is when she's not, and she should rightfully think that's a waste. It should greatly upset her to see Cass holding herself back.

And Shiva seeing Cass being forcibly led astray, brainwashed into being someone else's lackey, turned into something she's not by the machinations of weaker, jealous men...

There should be blood. Rivers of them.

Anonymous asked:

What do you think makes dc superhero girls Shiva such a good adaptation? Genuinely curious.

First of all, no League of Assassins. None whatsoever. Kinda obvious given it's DC Superhero Girls, and it may not sound like a big deal nowadays, but you gotta understand: DC SHG came out in 2015-16, neck-deep in that dark, depressing era where Shiva only ever showed up in LoA plots as the most generic, useless, sauceless midboss ever.

So a Shiva that had nothing to do with any of that trash was already a blessing. And other than that, SHG Shiva was just fun. She was way more heroic than any version of Shiva ever, and her moments of weird intensity were a bit too goofy, but it was fun to have a version of Shiva like this, that spoke like a Kamen Rider and was battle besties with Big Barda and had cool dragon boots.

Sure, she was OOC, but an amusing, endearing kind of OOC that happened to come by while the comics had her getting shot in the ass by Harley Quinn. And even now, even today, it's still the second best Shiva adaptation because literally every single other one besides Soul of the Dragon either involves the League of Assassins, has her getting embarrassingly stomped, or both.

So here's to DC SHG Shiva and Tania Gunadi, her VA, for pretty much holding the fort when nobody else was.

The ponytail was kinda overkill tho'. But then again, she had a much worse one in the comics.

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