5km in 28min, and damn did that ever feel good!!
It's -43 today sooo I decided to hit the track! It's been over a month since I ran, and holy moly it felt good! 10 minute walking warm up, 20 minutes running, then 20 minutes walking to cool down. And of course, some stretching 👍
Ran on the track at the Canada Games Centre because it was raining, then when we got outside the rain had stopped! So, why not do another quick jog outside?! 68/100km done! #nikeplus #nikerunning #werun2014 #runningtosummer #track #trail
Beat my record! Hell to the yeeeaaah #nikeplus #run #werun2014 #track #5k
Longest and farthest run of the year! #nikeplus #run #track #6k #werun2014
Running the track isn't my favourite, but damn do I feel good! #nikeplus #run #track