it was all by design cause i'm a mastermind
Goddamn it I’m 28 and I’m still here simping for sasusaku and eremika
I might be a tumblr ghost but a forever sasusaku girl nonetheless. Let me just keep this here for mehself 🫶🏻
the soft skin of your arm to rest my lips against
Why is this so funny??
A photographer’s portrait in a mirror, a hundred years ago, Japan, ca. 1920. Text and image via Old Japanese Photos on Facebook
Birders, 2019 (dir. Otilia Portillo Padua)
What do you think about vegans?
all those bright lights and casinos! i want to visit one day! :)
“how’s your summer?”
as the french say, merci goku
Love Story
Oh to be rich and do lots of skin care shit
by Vladimir Mayakovsky
Listen, if stars are lit it means - there is someone who needs it. It means - someone wants them to be, that someone deems those specks of spit magnificent. And overwrought, in the swirls of afternoon dust, he bursts in on God, afraid he might be already late. In tears, he kisses God’s sinewy hand and begs him to guarantee that there will definitely be a star. He swears he won’t be able to stand that starless ordeal. Later, He wanders around, worried, but outwardly calm. And to everyone else, he says: ‘Now, it’s all right. You are no longer afraid, are you?’ Listen, if stars are lit, it means - there is someone who needs it. It means it is essential that every evening at least one star should ascend over the crest of the building.