Peaches and Toto drawpile doodles.
Peaches and Toto duking it out!
Collab with @avengedog, he did the sketch, I inked and colored it!
All the main wrestlers in RASSLE!, a comic of mine, Failmore’s, and Jon’s that will be coming eventually
From left to right: Wasabi, Eddie, Beth, King, Speeding Bullet (pink rabbit), Bayou, Toto (blue anteater), Cavalier (frog), Right Hook Rook (Kangaroo), Steve, Drake, Fantasma, Caravaggio, Verboten, and Star Shrapnel, with Holhein flying up there, holding up Benji
I really liked the last batch of Gem Fighter-styled characters, so I decided to do a bunch for the Rassle! characters! This is the first batch, another batch of eight will be coming soon!
(Eddie and Steve belong to Captain Failmore, Toto belongs to Jon)
Also, you can get one of your own character for $20! Message me if you’re interested!
This lil dude is Toto, an anteater, this guy is known for his powerful tongue in his village where he became it’s guardian, so strong he can lift enemies that DOUBLE or even TRIPLE his weight, this ability would take him to the road to become a wrestler in the big leagues under the name Tonguetwister, while kind of a goof, and pretty naive when it comes to the rest of the world, he carries a heart of gold and a love for ant snacks.
Character for a thing I’m working on with Avengedog and Captainfailmore
Although I like him enough he could also be in his own thing, who knows!