Fall Back (in time) by Shelly Lynn Hachey O Via Flickr: Entering into Daylight Savings Time - setting my memory clock back to time well spent this year watching this bear. Hope she had a healthy and safe season.
Gone fishing by Shelly Lynn Hachey O Via Flickr: Brown Coastal Bear wading in the rising tide in hopes of finding a fish.
Life is like a black and white photo-there are lots of shades in between what is black and white by Shelly Lynn Hachey O Via Flickr: Coastal brown bear foraging for fish as the tide comes in - Alaska, USA
Wild Horse by Karen Fuller Via Flickr: This heavily pregnant wild mare needed a pregnancy shoot, and I was happy to oblige. Really, it was for me. She was so beautiful, and look at that mane! Taken with a long lens, and cropped.
One more duckling by Regina Via Flickr: This is another one of the young ferruginous pochards I saw at the zoo last week. They were tiny, not even a handful, and utterly adorable. As you can imagine they got lots of attention from the visitors. :)
Just the two of us by Shelly Lynn Hachey O Via Flickr: Mother Mallard and the one remaining surviving duckling. Nature can sometimes seem cruel but always balances her books if we let the ecosystems do their own thing.
Tiny and Fluffy by Regina Via Flickr: Another encounter of the cute kind last weekend at the park. This duckling is a young red crested pochard. There were five ducklings and they were tiny, probably only a few days old.