jiamengs reblogged
jiamengs reblogged
Wonder Girls “Why So Lonely” (2016) dir. Yong Seok Choi
jiamengs reblogged
jiamengs reblogged
jiamengs reblogged
Sunmi for sure magazine.
Source: wonderqurls
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Source: youtube.com
jiamengs reblogged
Sunmi for Pholar
jiamengs reblogged
Source: wonderqurls
jiamengs reblogged
happy birthday to our 4d sunmi! i hope your wishes come true. #happy25thsunmiday ♡
jiamengs reblogged
“No matter what road I would end up going down, Wonder Girls was never smooth sailing. Nevertheless, I want to show everyone our exceptional selves.” - Sunmi
Happy Birthday to our precious 4D Alien! Thank you for all the smiles you bring us, for never giving up, for being your talented, beautiful, and rather weird self. You are so very brave to be so bright, and you’re just as much our home as the Wonder Girls are yours.
jiamengs reblogged
jiamengs reblogged