There is no such thing as "clean energy." Even when taking a walk and generating body heat you get sweaty.
Oh damn haha
I love the Earth and I want to care for the planet; that's why I walk anywhere I need to go that's within 3-6 miles of my house.
Because no matter how they try to package electric cars, they're still built on the backs of slaves. Modern day Libyans are enslaved by the Chinese to mine for rare earth materials in Africa.
Also domestic oil laws and regulations in the US are some of the strictest, cleanest in the world. Sure I agree we could do better, but the current electric car model continues to harm others and destroy our planet.
Look up the Carter Administration
This was before my time
But Carter screwed things up so bad in this country that there were "gas lines" because they capped gas prices, gas companies wouldn't sell as much because it would bankrupt them, and so they rationed gas.
Inflation went up to 13%
Unemployment went up to 8.5%
Study this everyone because Biden's looking a lot like Carter.
Screw you guys, I'm getting a horse.
There is no cleaner form of travel than walking.
100 years ago people walked about 10 miles a day. Today you can barely get an American to walk 1.
Gas powered cars are NOT clean, but battery powered cars are not a cleaner alternative. The batteries don’t last as long, are not recyclable or as easily reused for parts as gas engine batteries, and they are charged using mostly coal power. These are all factors that will not reduce pollution but shift it.
Also, these mines are horrid, and guess who works in them? Black slaves in Africa procured by China. Yes, the slave trade is alive and well outside of the U.S. Not the metaphorical one people talk about when mentioning “wage slaves” but actual bondage-rip you away from your home and your family-you have no right to anything, slavery.
If you want to do something good for the planet, and humanity, walk more. If I’m going somewhere within 3-6 miles of my house, I usually walk it with my 4 children. It’s great exercise for the able bodied. If you have a handicapped loved one, friend, or neighbor, offer to push their wheelchair or run errands for them.
We can do more than just follow “political solutions” which are, most often, not solutions at all.