Enjoy the warmth of the season with this incredible collection
If you need a break from the election excitement, you can get my latest story in the new Chicken Soup for the Soul book, "Tales of Christmas"
It's packed full of love, laughs, and cheesiness to remind everyone of the good things in life.
Time to get some early holiday shopping in!
It's release day for the latest Chicken Soup Holiday book (which has its share of Thanksgiving stories in addition to Christmas).
My story, "Box of Balloons" is featured and full of awesome happiness.
Best of all, a portion of the proceeds go to benefit the Toys for Tots organization!
When I wrote "The Magic of Trees" I knew this book would spread so much love. I'm feeling the love today for sure with this news.
I see the beauty in everyone
Every single person has at least one redeeming quality
Which makes it that much more heartbreaking when they do ugly things.
THIS is a gracious leader
Ladies, get yourself a man who will tell you "No"
There is nothing sexier than a man who will stop you from making a fool of yourself.
Instead of making everything divisive I just wish everyone a happy everything:
Blessed Ostara
Happy Easter
Blessed Passover
Wonderous Spring
Happy bird singing
I'm glad you woke up today
Life is beautiful so go chase a butterfly
The little things ALWAYS matter
Real femininity is full of grace, dignity, and nurturing
I got another great rating on this essential release. Every woman needs it, and even man needs a woman in their life to read it.
Is someone cutting onions because there are def tears?
Oh, no, it's just this article!