Me and a pal bullshitting about posts Tired Dad Vesemir makes on ye olde single parenting forums:
"My huge rowdy sons drank too many potions and I can't calm them down or stop them from hollering about werewolves"
"All wound up from Black Blood and won't pick up their extremely sharp swords? Brewing specific sword oils to inflict more damage on dad's couch >:("
"How to keep my large pointy boys outside until the plastic covers are on"
"Fatally toxic Tostinos left all over the ancient texts"
"New beefy boy son came over for MarioKart + sleepover party and lives here now (his house burned down)"
"Lights out was 3 hours ago but all my unnatural boys have darkvision and won't stop reading Zoobooks"
"My numerous powerful sons survived access to forbidden magics and can now set fires with spells, wreaking havoc in our crumbling fortress home-- please advise?"
Book link: Chicken Soup for the Parent of Muscular Boys Constantly Engaged in Supernatural Trouble