Eskel progress for y’all!
I’ve handstitched the leather-blend straps down using a leather tool for guidance to achieve consistent stitch lengths. Unfortunately the recycled leather-blend fabric is such that I can’t punch through it, meaning that took longer than expected.
Next up I’ll guage width for the strips, pin, then press the studs on- if the same happens trying to pierce the material I’ll have to take a knife point to it and mark out four holes for each. If that doesn’t work, I’ll be drilling holes and riveting. Hahaaa.
Then I’ve bought a large piece of scrap leather for his spiked shoulder caps. They need foam inside, then dyeing, weathering and drilling through before I screw the studs in- which need spraying and weathering down. I’ve got the sleeves sewn up ready for some straps before that happens though.
Also adding in the buckles my Lambert and I have found. They’re historic replica ones, and the closest typologically I could find. The larger is for belts and the smaller for their random thigh garters straps. We’ve found some smaller ones for knee cops too. Again, they need spraying first, but really love the shape these have.
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