Hello! I absolutely love your work and you have helped me process so much of Arrow and Olicity. First, I know the actors are ‘acting’ but if my husband looked/worked with a co-worker like Stephen looks at Emily Bett, he would be looking for another job, lol. In season 1, episode 22 when Felicity and Oliver are swinging in the elevator shaft and she says “I imagined you saying that under different circumstances” and Oliver looks over at her (wowza) what do you think he was thinking?
If my husband was an actor I’d be sitting my ass on set everywhere he went.
Oooh! This is such a good question. I think with most of Felicity’s hilarious foot in mouth remarks Oliver’s initial thought is, “I can’t believe she said that” and also, “She’s so adorable.”
But when he turns to look at her, and levels that sexually charged STARE, he’s thinking, “I want to try those platonic circumstances. A LOT. Many times. Give me all the platonic circumstances I can handle. And I can handle a lot. Many, many hours of platonic circumstances shall be had.”
Is it warm in here?