Dreaming of #stlouis #vacalatergram
#tbt back to Northern Ireland in summer of 2006
Asphalt, cacti, ice. #MichelFrançois (at Bortolami Gallery)
Had to see this with my own eyeballs #katharinafritsch (at Matthew Marks)
#Tbt back to that one time David, @hiwe_arehere, @endless_buffalo, and myself spent 5 days on an island in the middle of Lake Michigan. One of the most unique and surprisingly amazing trips I've ever taken.
another shot from yesterday (at Financial District)
at Barker/DZP
You think living in a cloud would be kind of cool, but then you realize you can't see anything. #cloudlife #fadient (at Barker/DZP)
big hills little people
Breakneck Ridge
Hudson River Valley hiking day. Late fall colors. (at Metro North - Tarrytown Train Station)