JAXETTE can Grow and Retract a Beard whenever she wills it🤣😂!! I’m having way too much fun with this app, Jaxette a bad bitch 😂😂😂🤣🤣
Listen I'm not attracted to you at all but HOLY SHIT JAXETTE 👀👀👀
Anonymous asked:
How would Jaxette handle having a period?
She wouldn’t!
I’ve heard too many horror stories about the pain and the cramps and horribleness poor women have to go through every month and I’m sorry Mother Nature and Aunt Flow have to be such a Pain. YALL ARE TOUGHER THAN ANYONE I’ll Ever know.
But real talk if I turned into a woman on period week I wouldnt know what the Hell to do, I’d be SOOO SALTY! And just think I need Chocolate