When Men’s Rights Advocates argue that they won’t care about issues women face unless feminists do free labor for men first, they’re admitting that they want to sit back and do nothing and have women cater to themselves before even admitting that women’s issues matter.
They believe women are not allowed to help ourselves, that our labor belongs to men first and foremost. They have a problem with women doing things for ourselves because they believe women’s labor should be men’s property.
It’s a subtle thing isn’t it? What op has done here. They declared that MRAs want feminists, a group comprised of men and women, to do all the work for men’s issues. Then switched the word to women as if it’s interchangeable with feminist, it’s not. They then continue as if demanding feminists help men too, is trying to enslave women to their cause. That the work men do in feminist circles is really really the property of women, and men have no right to it. Irony completely lost on op.
The best part, in my humble opinion is the upfront assumption that women in the MRM (and there is a lot) are only there to serve men. No one hates women more than feminists, especially if those women fail to swear fealty to the Holy Mother Church of Feminism who art Infallible. After all look what happened to Cassie Jaye the moment she stopped having blind faith in the church of feminism. Her staff bailed on her, her financial backers bailed on her. Friends she’d known for years acted like she’d become Pol Pot
But the real meat here is, as far as I’ve seen, no MRA has ever demanded that feminists work on men’s issues first, and then they’ll consider women’s issues. I welcome @respectthefemalebody to prove me wrong. Do what no one else on this god forsaken hell site has ever done, show me a self-identifying MRA doing what you say they all do.