This is not “cool.”
This is sad.
In fact, it’s more than just sad… It’s pathetic.
Between the MLP crap, the Disney Princess garbage, the never ending 90’s nostalgia, the barbie collections, and the weird obsession with Harry Potter (basically a kids book), this sort of thing is causing the “peter pan complex” that is so epidemic in my generation, and it’s created the entire hipster movement as well:
Encouraging people from the age of 20 or so up into their mid 30’s to spend time and money reminiscing about their childhoods out of the sunlight and off of the streets, holed away in a dark living room or bedroom watching something stupid like Disney’s The Fox and the Hound or playing Zelda.
Yes, it’s nice to remember what life was like back when we were kids, but for crying out loud… you’re not kids anymore. And when I see shit like this being glorified on tumblr or anywhere else, I cringe at the thought of these infantile man-children and women-children who never grew up, and how they’re going to be running the planet in short order.
I grew up largely without video games (my choice), and mostly played with action figures. However, even now as an adult, I would never adorn my fucking living room or bedroom shelves with old collectable toys (let alone make an entire room devoted to such a thing). They were for playing with, and then they were for the donation box for someone else to enjoy once I grew up. So yeah, this room full of various consoles and every retro old video game known to man? Pathetic. And so is anyone who says, “to each their own.”
TL;RD version
First off, anybody who claims that someone is a child because of their interests is a child in themselves. If you think that what makes you an adult is liking a certain thing and disliking other things, it appears that you have failed to grow up and stayed in the middle school stage where it was “cool” to say that others were little kids for watching cartoons. Grow the fuck up. A real adult doesn’t give a shit what others think about his or her interests. You have obviously failed to grow up. Now, let’s talk about your inability to see.
If you were to actually pay attention as to what’s in this picture, you would see that it’s not just 90s stuff. I can see an SNES, but I can also see a GameCube and a PS2 (both of which were released post-2000). This isn’t somebody’s reminiscence chamber — this is someone’s collection. Somebody had a hobby that they loved and they had the means to create this. There is somebody out there who absolutely adores something, doesn’t give a flying fuck what people like you think, and decided to make this dream a reality. They feel a sense of accomplishment that you never will, and you judging them won’t affect them in the least. You know why? Because you’re still a child worrying about what others might think about you (“oh no! What if they think that I’m littler than them!”), whereas this person here realized that what matters is what makes them happy.
I’m not the biggest fan of video games, but I see this and I see a human being that managed to accomplish something. I won’t be able to appreciate it as much as he/she can, but I can definitely say that the pride this person feels is well deserved.
As for you, you’re pathetic. You never grew up. You probably live your life in fear of what others think about you. You subscribe to some “norm” that was set by nobody in particular. You still live life thinking that there are some sharp lines that need adherence. You’re the child. Only children worry about what others think about what they like. I still remember middle school — kids telling others that they were little because they liked thing X or thing Y. Grow up, man-child. Middle school’s over.