ONE NEED NOT BE A CHAMBER TO BE HAUNTED. One need not be a house. The brain has corridors surpassing material place.
jackharkness reblogged
jackharkness reblogged
everyone’s favorite group of weirdos
jackharkness reblogged
jackharkness reblogged
So much happened here...and so much is about to. FRINGE (2008-2013)
jackharkness reblogged
FRINGE 3.11 | Reciprocity
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Anna Torv as Olivia Dunham in Fringe | 1.01
jackharkness reblogged
I've seen things that people only dream about. Things that humans shouldn't see. People make up explanations, assign meanings to things without knowing, because it's reassuring, comforting. But I can't do that. Because I know too much.
jackharkness reblogged
FRINGE 5.02 | In Absentia
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FRINGE characters + iPhone screens insp + template
jackharkness reblogged
You know, this is the part of the day that I look forward to most. When I know there’s something bizarre out there, but I just don’t know what it is. It’s like a grab-bag of disturbing events, don’t you think?
FRINGE (2008-2013)
jackharkness reblogged
OLIVIA DUNHAM FRINGE, 1.13 - The Transformation
jackharkness reblogged
Fringe | 1x17 “Bad Dreams”
jackharkness reblogged
How come you didn’t call Broyles? I’ve got you on speed dial.
jackharkness reblogged
FRINGE | 1.01 — “Pilot” (2008)