@jackdaw-kraai on Tumblr

Nightlife In A Cloak Of Feathers


Hello and Welcome! My name is Jackdaw Kraai, Kraai if you're feeling particularly formal, Jack if you're not. Use pronouns as you wish, though I like to stick to the classic he/him, they/them. I'm the writer of the Guides Verse as well, and always welcome asks about it!
Unless specifically stated otherwise, I do not participate in ask games, @ games, or reblog fundraisers on request.
Icon by @eldritchjackalope

For everyone looking for more things related to me and my creations, I present to you: The Short List.

The Guides Discord Server, where you can join up with other fans and discuss all manner of things, as well as talk to me, and be privy to a whole host of behind-the-scenes stuff! Said stuff includes snippet previews from upcoming works, me rambling about lore and answering questions, and general tomfoolery.

The Guides Audiobooks, as recorded by Sam Gabriel. Do you ever just don’t feel like reading, but you still want to enjoy the Guides? Do you know someone who might like the Guides but isn’t interested in reading all those fucking words? Then this is the thing for you. Professional recordings by a professional voice actor, edited and with special effects and all. New recording sessions happen every Thursday in the discord server at roughly 6 PM UTC+1.

The Guides TvTropes Page, where fans work hard to index every bit of the series as best as possible. Check it out for a fun time, and join in if you feel like it! It’s a pride and joy of mine, even though I stay out of the actual work on the page as author.

My Patreon Page, where I post tons of extra lore articles, Karilaa dictionary entries, ramblings on world and narrative building, detailed descriptions of original characters, deep lore on the various deities, a rotating set of merchandise designs that come with every patron tier, and much, much more! Check it out if you’re interested in something like that, and even if you aren't, the tier descriptions are themselves a fragmented story of one of Lukkesh's many, many adventures as Keshiro.

My Kofi Page, where you can support me monetarily. Nothing is obligated and everything is voluntary, but with the time, effort, and heart that goes into producing stuff for you guys it’s nice to sometimes find a tip in the ol’ tip jar. 

If you want to send me stuff, I have a PO box as well. Feel free to DM me for the address, as well as the rules I put in place to ensure that packages reach their intended destination.

I've had many people ask me this before, so I'll just put it here for ease of location: I operate under a general blanket permission for people to adapt my works, or use elements of them, or honestly whatever, in their own works. As far as I'm concerned, the Guides Verse is a sandbox, and while my sandcastle may be the oldest and biggest one in it, that doesn't mean there isn't room enough for other people to create their own from the same sand. The only stipulation attached to this permission is that proper credit is given to me for the elements you use, i.e. "This work/these elements/this version/ect. was inspired by the Guides Verse as written by Jackdaw_Kraai on Ao3" preferably with a link back to me, or with an @ to me depending on the site it's posted on. The @ part isn't mandatory if proper credit is given, but I love seeing what other people make from or with the Guides, and generally love to show it to my followers too. So if that's you, and you were wondering about this: go right ahead, I don't mind in the slightest. I may or may not be a fan of the thing produced (think squicks or differing opinions on style) but that's no reason to deny someone their fun, no? I look forward to seeing what you make!

My fanart tag is "fanart that might make me cry" where you can see all the other brilliant and wonderful stuff people have made with the Guides as a muse.


deeply funny to me that social media is so fucked that Robert Reich seems to be trying to have a tumblr presence?

like, he's had an account here for yonks, but it mostly just links to his yt and other site, but now my man is making posts.

can't wait for him to collab with, like, were ralph.

like, can i tag former secretary of labor on memes i think he'd enjoy? knowing if he scrolled through my blog he might see, yanno, All That Bullshit? a conundrum.

I think he'd probably love osha-official.

and whatever amtrak-official goes by now.

i kinda want him to post pics of his pets.


I feel like this has to have come about because he was talking to his son and being like - how can I reach people - and Sam was just like, can I interest you in a little hellsite (derogatory)? 😂


The world being in SUCH a bad state and social media being *so* fractured that former secretary of labor Robert Reich has to come to tumblr to try and connect people to this social movement seems like the plot in a 90s comedy.

Or like, that point in a movie where the heroes have to go ask the weirdo comic relief characters for support. Like Aang showing up at the swamp to find water benders or in Star Wars when they have to ask the gunguns to fight with them.

“Sir, Facebook and Instagram have followed twitter and turned to the dark side, Bluesky has not yet overtaken these places. The people are fragmented. There’s no helping it, we’re going to have to go farther.”

*smash cut to former labor secretary Robert Reich standing in the wilderness, seemingly alone*

Former labor secretary Robert Reich clears this throat.

“Attention!! You are invited to participate in an economic blackout, February 28th! Do not buy anything on this day!”

*a voice comes from underneath a rock*

You have come to the land of broke ass bitchesss… to invite ussss to…not… spend any money the day before pay day?

Former labor secretary Robert Reich clears his throat again.


*voices murmur from all directions; a second voices comes from beneath a rotting log*

Very well…we shall do what we were already planning to do! But NOW… it shall be… POLITICAL!

Former labor secretary Robert Reich turns around to see a dozen muppets rejected as extras from the Labyrinth for being too ugly dismantling his ship.


You can literally make anything and anyone problematic if you try hard enough seriously give me people and things and I’ll make them all “problematic” right now.

I don’t even have to do this one because PETA did it first by insinuating domestication is inherently abusive.


The sky

Used to trick and mock anyone who asks “what’s up?” A bullying tactic.

Super Mario Bros.

Stereotypes Italians, enforces the narrative of women who need men to rescue them, and encourages violence against turtles.

John Mulaney

He was over on the bench and he SAW what they did to Tyler and he did NOTHING.




Making your pets fight repeatedly is animal abuse.


OP literally argued that dogs were problematic but go off I guess

This is a work of art and should be sent to everyone as soon as they sign up for Tumblr so they know what they’re walking into


diet talk is so inexpressibly nonsensical the instant you know anything about "the human body" or "nutrition" or if you think about it for three seconds

"this is a great, low-calorie meal for meal prep!"

okay how do I explain this to you. "calories" is the part of food that makes it food. you actually need calories to stay alive. so "low-calorie" is the opposite of a selling point. kind of makes it sound like I'm going to be putting in a lot of time and effort just to not be nourished

"I then immediately ruined the nutrition of the broccoli by pouring cheese all over it, but, hey, I tried"

okay hang on tight because this is a tough one. I'm going to try to explain the concept of "addition" to you. so the broccoli has a certain amount of calories, vitamins, and other nutrients in it, right? and the cheese has a certain amount of calories, vitamins, and other nutrients in it. and when you add the cheese to the broccoli, well... the nutrition of the resulting food can be found by adding the contents of both of its components to each other. I hope this helps

People who actually know about nutrition tell you to eat cheese and butter with your vegetables, because each has unique vitamins and minerals and other nutrients that your body struggles or straight up cannot absorb without something the other has. When you eat only raw veg because it's "healthy," you're missing out on half its nutritive value because some of those nutrients require additional lipids or specific vitamins like vitamin A or D or E to be readily absorbed by your digestive tract and again to be used in different parts of your body. Dieting makes it so instead of just dumping out all your pieces in a pile and following the instructions you can build your flatpack shelf, it's like placing each component in a different place in your house, and the shelf never gets built because you got tired of waking every time you needed something, so there it sits until one day you decide it's garbage and throw it out. A little butter or olive oil and a quick stir fry turns your vegetables from expensive fiber supplements to bioavaliable nutrients. Have your berries with some cream or full-fat yogurt: it's literally healthier and more complete nutrition. Put plenty of dressing on your salad. Have a steak: you need the iron. Stop starving yourself in the name of health because that's not how that works.


am taking perverse pleasure in reminding people it's 2025. that's a star trek year. silly little science fiction number. except it's happening, and DANG ain't it underwhelming!

for Gen Z folks who didn't live through it:

the late 2000s to mid 2010s were culturally, a time of a resurgence of hope. I don't think we seriously realized it at the time (for all the Obama campaign posters), but it honestly was the last period in recent history where it was assumed the future would be better.

that was a big thing, that many millennials didn't realize was a big thing, until it was torn away. we honestly thought it was over, the fear and uncertainty of the Cold War and the Nuclear Age (and Bush 2.0). we were born in an era of reprieve. things were bad, yes, the world was insane and unfair, but it was better than it was before. the world had been at the brink of ultimate disaster, and then it stepped back. (And we honestly thought we had escaped our parents' legacy, by sheer virtue of being born in the correct decade.)

I cannot overstate how much that shapes your worldview, growing up in a time where the recent present is better than the recent past. we had reason to believe the world was getting better. because it was, actually! for a good while there! progress was slow, but it was real, and we could feel its grit on our fingertips.

and now we're in an age of regression. because you were robbed. we were robbed. a great global era of robbery (of housing and food and time and health and body and freedom and fundamental human rights), has blossomed, and is happening everyday today.

be furious. they will steal the teeth from your gums.


Every time I see this quote I realize how poor even very smart people are at looking at the long game and at assessing these things in context.

One of my favourite illustrations of this was in a First Aid class. The instructor was a working paramedic. He asked, “Who here knows the stats on CPR? What percentage of people are saved by CPR outside a hospital?”

I happen to know but I’m trying not to be a TOTAL know it all in this class so I wait. And people guess 50% and he says, “Lower,” and 20% and so forth and eventually I sort of half put up my hand and I guess I had The Face because he eventually looked at me and said, “You know, don’t you.”

“My mom’s a doc,” I said. He gave me a “so say it” gesture and I said, “Four to ten percent depending on your sources.”

Everyone else looked surprised and horrified.

And the paramedic said, “We’re gonna talk a bit about some details of those figures* but first I want to talk about just this: when do you do CPR?”

The class dutifully replies: when someone is unconscious, not breathing, and has no pulse.

“What do we call someone who is unconscious, not breathing, and has no pulse?”

The class tries to figure out what the trick question is so I jump over the long pause and say, “A corpse.”

“Right,” says the paramedic. “Someone who isn’t breathing and has no heartbeat is dead. So what I’m telling you is that with this technique you have a 4-10% chance of raising the dead.”

So no, artists did not stop the Vietnam War from happening with the sheer Power of Art. The forces driving that military intervention were huge, had generations of momentum and are actually pretty damn complicated.

But if you think the mass rejection of the war was as meaningless as a soufflé - well.

Try sitting here for ten seconds and imagining where we’d be if the entire intellectual and artistic drive of the culture had been FOR the war. If everyone thought it was a GREAT IDEA.

What the whole world would look like.

Four-to-ten percent means that ninety to ninety-six percent of the time - more than nine times out of ten - CPR will do nothing, but that one time you’ll be in the company of someone worshipped as an incarnate god.

If you think the artists and performers attacking and showing up people like Donald Trump is meaningless try imagining a version of the world wherein they weren’t there.

(*if you’re curious: those stats count EVERY reported case of CPR, while the effectiveness of it is extremely time-related. With those who have had continuous CPR from the SECOND they went down, the number is actually above 80%. It drops hugely every 30 seconds from then on. When you count ALL cases you count cases where the person has already been down several minutes but a bystander still starts CPR, which affects the stats)

That Vonnegut quote brings this particular moment to mind:

Yes, it’s just a pie. Yes, the pie itself doesn’t do much direct damage in the grand scheme of things. But the pie is resistance, and resistance inspires resistance. Resistance inspires survival. Throwing pies sometimes starts a movement. Throwing pies sometimes saves lives.

And of course, we haven’t spoken about the inherent morality of throwing pies at oppressors in a world where oppressors have outlawed pie throwing. At the very least, pie throwing is a reminder to the oppressors that no matter how much money they have, no matter how much power they have, there are still some people, some moments they can’t control.

I’d rather go out throwing pies than just rolling over and accepting that pie throwing isn’t going to solve anything. Yeah, the pie throwing doesn’t immediately solve the problem, but it doesn’t have to because it’s just a starting point. So throw the damn pie.


So throw the damn pie


Things I Wish I Knew Earlier In Fandom

But maybe these will help somebody now.

  • Most of your fandom experience is shaped by who you follow. Find a good group of people and stick with them.
  • Support your favs and a lot of them will become your friends, or at least be friendly back to you.
  • Just unfollow people who bring unwanted content or negativity onto your dash.
  • Block people who cause you stress. It’s not worth your time to focus on parts of fandom that don’t make you happy.
  • Blacklisting words/tags is a tool you are allowed to use as much as you need to.
  • Don’t feel like you have to pretend to like things that make you uncomfortable in order to fit in. Set healthy boundaries for yourself.
  • Never tag your hate. Never send hate anons to someone.
  • Content creators love getting comments, seeing people gush in the tags on reblogs, and getting fans in their inbox. It’s the best way to motivate them to keep making awesome stuff.
  • If there’s certain content you want to see but it doesn’t exist yet, then make it. Draw the thing, write that fic. If you can’t, then comission an artist or writer, or send someone a prompt if they’re open to it. If you can’t do that either, then write meta or headcanons about it. Put it into the world.
  • Create what you love. Do it for yourself first and foremost, and if even one other person likes it too, then that’s a bonus.
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