Literally HOW did newspapers like NYTimes and WaPo go from these respected muckrackers standing up to the Nixon administration to writing fawning, flattering profiles of Nazis and letting whiny WASPs publish opeds complaining that they don’t date Jews for “reasons”
The whole russia conspiracy aspect of contemporary liberalism actually matters, because it reveals the extent to which American liberals are incapable of reconciling themselves to the white supremacist reality of United States. Faced with a president that openly embraces and flirts with white supremacy, liberals only response is “we americans cant possibly have been the ones to do this, it has to be an external force” which is really emblematic of liberalism’s inability to account for the violence and injustice which it is founded on.
In the 90's The Simpson's predicted, or rather warned us, in a joking way, that Donald Trump would be president. They were mocking both our culture, and our political system, at the time. Neither have changed.
But sure, blame the Russians.
Las Vegas is only the deadliest shooting in US history because they don’t count Black lives
Why would you say that? And why would @lagonegirl widen the audience this reaches? Shame on you both
“…why would you say that?” - someone willfully unfamiliar with the reality of antiblackness.
Black people are likely serving life sentences for that same crime IN PORTLAND.
A system built to destroy black lives continues to flourish.
California voted to release pot prisoners and offer reparations, but Oregon is not there yet.
we also just decriminalised small amounts of heroin, meth, and cocaine, but people in prison for possession of small amounts of these things are gonna stay in prison.
white supremacy.
in case you didn’t hear, nick spencer (the comic book writer who keeps turning everyone and their mother into a goddamn nazi) is a failed republican politician who ran for office in cincinnati in 2003 and 2005. here’s the article if you want to read it but short version is, his platform was rooted in elitism and white supremacy. he says police brutality is “hilarious”, thinks of black people as drug dealers and criminals, he wanted to brutally persecute poor black people in his neighborhood while hiring more police + expanding jailing capacity. in order to pay for all this he wanted to defund all social services in the city. oh and he also thinks homeless shelters are a “glut of social services that encourage panhandling“.
just as a reminder: Isaac Perlmutter, the CEO of Marvel, is also a huge Republican, and a Trump supporter
respectability politics is how we get people saying the entire BLM movement is a hate movement because some of the protests became riots or because some of the protesters chanted “fuck the police”, but when it comes to Neo-Nazis, they’re happy to engage them in “polite debate” because they appear “dapper” and calm/reasonable. it’s how people genuinely believe that “antifa are as bad as fascists” because we use violence against them.
it all comes back down to this bizarre preoccupation with how nice and polite someone seems, rather than the content of their ideas and their overall goals.
And it creates a gross hierarchy of dominance wherein white people decide what the “correct” way to act/dress is. Professionalism is a very eurocentric concept that has been used to discredit the injustices that POC suffer under systemic racism. Hyper-violent stereotypical attributes placed on Black and Brown bodies, along with the resistance of the white norm, goes completely against eurocentric ideals of professionalism. Therefore, this invalidates the existence/severity of oppressive systems that movements like BLM aims to deconstruct.
tl;dr respectability politics gets us nowhere and alot of people are racist.
“ATTACKING WHITE SUPREMACY - In the war against oblivion the enemies of society attack history carefully setting fire to the yesterdays that still haunt us.”