As most of you might already know, Seki Hiromi, prominent producer of the Digimon Franchise posted this farewell message for Fujita Toshiko, Taichi’s voice actoress in Adventure, who passed away in December last year.
I translated the whole message into English for WiththeWill and you can find it here.
It was an interesting and emotional piece of text to translate, and it gives us a lot of insight into how much of an importance Fujita san had in the production of Digimon Adventure and Tri as well and what a difficult decision it was for the producers to re-cast the voices. Here is an excerpt of the message and you can read the whole thing on WtW:
‘As last year came to an end, the voice of Taichi Yagami in Digimon Adventure, Toshiko Fujita-san passed away. On the 49th day of her death, and the beginning of spring, I would once again like to express my gratitude in this farewell message to her.
I first met Fujita-san in person 35 years ago from now in the recording studio of ‘Tabakku’. At that time I was just a desk worker and had went to the studio to deliver some things on an errand. Leaning on the door frame of the recording studio labelled ‘1 Star’ stood a beautiful person. That cool yet beautiful woman was Toshiko Fujita-san, the one that I only knew by voice until now, herself. I remember feeling that she resembles Marlene Dietrich, the beautiful actress, from the classic masterpieces walking through a desert holding high heels in her hands.’