Digimon Adventure: R E P E A T? [Taichi/Koushiro / Taishiro] (Fic)
Title: REPEAT?
Chapter Title: Videogame
Type: fanfic (ficlet)
Chapters: 34/??
Fandom: Digimon Adventures
Rating: PG-13(+) (overall), M/M / R16+ (Ch. 2, some implied elsewhere) -> + the same R16+ rating for …. this…. chapter’s… end? ??….??
Characters/Pairing: Taichi x Koushiro (Taishiro[u])
Verse(s): post-Repeat verse [my fic verse]
Notes: advised to read the “main” portion of the initial fic first, as this basically spoils most of the story (up to about Ch./Part 22!)
Warnings: (for initial chapters) mentions of / implied character death, injuries, etc. (it gets better??) (for this part: [just] humor!? for once)
Word Count: 303 (on AO3)
Summary: "It’s only natural, Taichi-san. A genius never even has to cheat–“
“ I found your weak point !! –”
“. . .”
( If Koushiro wasn’t metaphorically DROPKICKING HIM INTO THE STRATOSPHERE before, )
Chapter Title: Cards
Type: fanfic (ficlet)
Chapters: 35/??
Fandom: Digimon Adventures
Rating: M/M / R16+ (Ch. 2, some implied elsewhere), PG-13(+) (overall)
Characters/Pairing: Taichi x Koushiro (Taishiro[u])
Verse(s): Adv!Repeat verse [my fic verse] + Adventure
Notes: advised to read the “main” portion of the initial fic first, as this basically spoils [part] of the story (up to about Ch./Part 22!)
(otherwise, at the very least read up to about Ch./Part 11…??)
Warnings: (for initial chapters) mentions of / implied character death, injuries, etc. (it gets better??) / this chapter: mostly safe (?)
[until. the end. maybe] mainly introspection but also some angst this part ;;
Word Count: 674 (on AO3)
Summary: Koushiro stares down hesitantly at the cards laid before him.
Everyone is watching him –
The truth is,
( “ I’ve always believed in Taichi-san since before this, in any case. ” )
A huge grin now on [Taichi]’s face
( ‘ No. ’ )