izzyizumi reblogged
If you or someone you know is getting spam comments from guests (rather than logged in users), you don't need to send in a report. You can just use the Spam button located at the bottom of every guest comment. The button will only be visible to the logged-in owner of the work.
If the volume of these spam comments is overwhelming, you can also edit a single work or edit multiple works to restrict commenting to only logged in users.
If you're a twitter user, I recommend following AO3_status over there. They're always on top of updates about site downtime and other issues.
#ao3commentoftheday#fandom#fandom issues#ao3#ao3 informative#archive of our own#ao3 issues#fic issues#fic comments#comments section#(!!!)#(oH)#(FINALLY)#(THANK)#(I don't think we had this before)#signal boost#psa#(I do know there's also been issues with bots hitting certain front pages)#(this doesn't fix everything)#(but its good for comments at least)#not dgmn#dgmn fandom relevant#(Also Yes)#(Never click on links from people you don't know!!!)#(Or if the link doesnt look familiar)