some of yall really think politics is only about the presidency and it shows when you say shit like “i dont like biden so i wont vote” get a motherfucking vibe check and go vote blue so we dont have a conservative majorty supreme court for the next 30 years holy shit
wow there are really some of yall out here adding the absolute stupidest fucking comments onto this post huh!! the amount of people I’ve seen in the past day pull some shit out of their ass about “biden is just as bad as trump” is astounding tbh.
firstly, the central points of this post are that you need to vote DOWN THE BALLOT because newsflash the presidency isn’t the only election and that voting biden does more than just him it also allows RBG to retire and gives us our first female vp and a progressive presidential cabinet.
now for yall acting like biden and trump are the same im going to highly encourage you to do a few things. 1, go read biden’s policy platform. 2, go look at every politician and organization who has endorsed him… people like bernie and warren and obama… organizations like the congressional black caucus 3, turn on the news and go read up about how trump is sending in federal officers to brutalize peaceful protesters and how he threatened to send in the us military, and how he’s blocking the cdc now from collecting coronavirus data.
does biden suck?? uhhh yeah no shit that really isnt news. am i happy that biden is the nominee?? FUCK no. but im not stupid ignorant or selfish enough to say some asinine shit like “oh well i dont like biden so you know what fuck it trump can stay” ???? what are yall planning to do exactly, storm the capitol?? redo our entire political system in the next 3 months???? oh my fucking god. this is the choice we have right now. biden or trump. that is your choice. im not asking you to like it but im asking you to pull your head out of your ass and understand that every single progressive politician and organization you support is begging you to vote biden because they understand that if trump is reelected we will NEVER have a chance at creating a better more progressive system. yall want to have a progressive president in 2024? 2028? then go vote for biden so we make it until then. oh my god.
If trump wins the next election, we’re looking at a Conservative Supreme Court for potentially the rest of our lives.
We’re alreading removing the separations of Church and State through recent Supreme Court rulings. I want you to imagine future Conservative Supreme Court rulings on the following cases:
- Religious School funding
- School integration vs segregation
- Limits on police brutality
- Voting rights and protections
- Healthcare coverage
- Marriage rights for LGBT couples
- Housing/job/healthcare discrimination on basis of ‘religion’ against women, other religious members, lgbt people
- Immigrant rights and immigration rates
- Affirmative action
- Climate change and EPA requirements
- Employee rights
- Funding for family planning services
this isnt some theoretical debate yall like this is the fucking alternative. people arent being cute when they call trump a fascist this is fascism. biden might not be as progressive as we want but he isnt a fucking fascist why can some people not wrap their heads around this
I’ve had a hard time determining what people want to accomplish by not voting for Biden. Like, beyond not wanting to for ideological purity reasons. What does not voting for him accomplish? What is your alternative? Do you really think a Biden presidency will be as bad as four more years of Trump? Do you really think it’s better to allow Trump to win again? I just don’t really understand it.
Unless you organize an actual revolution between now and November, these are the two options.
You don’t have to enjoy casting your vote for Biden but please do it anyways. He’s not going to be all of the change we very obviously and very desperately need but he is a step in the right direction. Keep taking those steps. Vote.
You know what I don’t get? On EVERYTHING FUCKING ELSE Tumblr Teens™ are black and white. Fanfiction. Antis. Terfs. One side or the other.
This is the ONE THING that really is black and white because our voting system is a fucking shit show and NOW you wanna go third option? FOR THIS? For a shitty candidate vs literal fascism? Your choices are a guy you’d never date and the local serial killer and NOW YOURE THINKING “I SHOULD SIT THIS ONE OUT?”
Here. An example from Obama.
When he took the White House, he was against marriage equality.
By the time he left it, he was joyfully attending same-sex weddings and showing his support. In his own words, he evolved on the issue.
He didn’t do it in a vacuum. During his years in the White House he talked to people, read books and reports, prayed, and most importantly HE LISTENED. He realized his position was incorrect, and revised it. LIKE A GOOD AND FUNCTIONING ADULT.
So now I want you to imagine the people on the top three tiers of your ballot: President, governor (if applicable), and House/Senate.
Think about each candidate and an issue on which the two of you disagree.
Now imagine you have the chance to have coffee with these candidates, and have a conversation.
Which candidates end the conversation with “you’ve certainly given me something to think about” or “I’ll have to look into that, it’s an interesting viewpoint” or “thank you for sharing your experiences with me”?
Which ones brush you off, never let you speak, insist you’re wrong, condescend to you, move the goalposts?
The people in that first category are the ones you want to vote for. I literally voted for someone once because I asked her opinion on a bill and she said “you know what? I haven’t had the chance to read it yet. But give me your email, I’ll make it a point to get back to you in the next few days” AND SHE DID. It helped a lot that her stances on education and M4A mostly matched my own, but the moment I got that email sealed the deal for me. It takes a lot to say “I don’t know enough to have an informed opinion, let me learn.”
Do you agree with Biden? Maybe not. Probably not. I don’t. But the old advice is to vote for the candidate you can imagine having a beer with, AND THIS IS WHY. You can talk to that candidate. YOU CAN ASK THEM TO LOOK AT YOUR SIDE. And that matters.