@izacalzado on Tumblr
I believe I will be a great queen. I understand Genovia to be a land that combines the beauty of the past with all the best hope of the future. I feel in my heart and soul that I can rule Genovia. I… I love Genovia. Do you think that I would be up here in a wedding dress if I didn’t? I stand here ready to take my place as your queen. Without a husband.

The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (2004) dir. Garry Marshall


will there ever be a viable alternative for content creators at this point 


re: the new gifv update

I imagine by now everyone has noticed that gifs look uglier and the .gif format has been changed to .gifv, except on the blog pages where the original .gif format remains. This was supposedly done so that tumblr can free up some space on their servers.

I was checking if there’s a workaround and apparently user Eramdam has made a chrome and firefox extension to replace gifv with gif on dashboard/explore pages. I checked it on chrome and it works!! (the firefox version isn’t live yet) You can check out more info and get the links to the extensions here.

Note: it does not work on /tagged /likes /blog pages but I imagine it can and might be done in the future, but either way this is better than nothing.

Also!! gifv isn’t supported on safari, so even though the link shows up as .gifv, the quality is the same as the original .gif on all pages. So basically if you use safari you won’t notice a single change in gif quality.

Hey! Author of the extension here, the link to the tweet above is dead now because it said that the links weren’t up and i didn’t want to be confusing, I didn’t know ppl started to link it elsewhere, sorry about that!

Reputting the links here now that everything is live

The source code of the extension is here

A few things of note:

- Important disclaimer: the extension works now because Tumblr still hosts the original GIFs every time, presumably for browser compatibility purposes. The day they stop doing so, the extension will stop working unfortunately and there won’t be any way back (converting mp4/webm back to GIF is a very messy situation and will almost always result in glitches and such :/ )

- GIFs heavy pages might slow down your computer, that was always the case because GIFs is very resource hungry (hence why Tumblr/Imgur/Twitter convert them in mp4) but I want to put it out there as a warning just to make that clear.

- the extension only goes through all the links/images present on the dashboard/explore pages and replaces the `.gifv` in the URLs to `.gif`. That’s it.

- as such, there isn’t any visual indication that the extension worked (I might add one if it gets requested) so the only way to check is to do something like “Open image in a new tab” on a gif in your dashboard

it does not work on /tagged /likes /blog pages but I imagine it can and might be done in the future, but either way this is better than nothing.

I didn’t notice that! I’m a very light Tumblr-user, my only use of it is to grab GIFs from various sources (hence why the gifv change pissed me off), but I’ll try to look into this!

Feel free to reach me on Twitter @Eramdam if you got any suggestions, issues or anything really (you can try on Tumblr but frankly, the UI is very confusing to me nowadays and I might not see your message very quickly)

Me again! I just updated the extension to support the /blog and /likes pages! Enjoy!


Guys!!!! My brother who works for Marvel said if we get this to 100m views then they’ll bring Spider Man back into the MCU!!! Let’s go!!!

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